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Onboarding Training Structure (2022)
Teresa Bui avatar
Written by Teresa Bui
Updated over a week ago

What to expect from training

  • Bring your laptop or sit at a computer you can use in the interactive sections of training

  • Get interactive - we’ve left time for questions and walkthroughs

  • Before starting sessions, watch End to end process walkthrough of Uptick here. Duration: 12 mins

  • Get an overview of the dashboard from your onboarding lead

  • All recordings of sessions if run virtually will be uploaded to your knowledge base afterwards






License Type/User

60 mins

Basic platform navigation, properties and routines


60 mins

Scheduling and task management



45 mins

Designed to allow you to ask questions as we go through major processes


60 mins

Defect Quote approval, callout/repair tasks


60 mins

Billing and invoicing



45 mins

Designed to allow you to ask questions as we go through major processes


60 mins

Setting Favourites and Workshop Q&A time


60 mins

Actions, File/Folder management, Customer Portal and Non-contracted servicing



45 mins

Designed to allow you to ask questions as we go through major processes


60 mins

Annual Certification (AU/NZ only)

Desk and Field

90 mins

App training


Session 1 - Basic platform navigation, properties and routines

60 mins


Uptick led


5 mins

55 mins

Overview of Properties and Routines, covering:

By the end of this session you should understand:

  • How to navigate Uptick and find different types of information and management options pertaining to properties

  • Use the timeline to track events

  • How to configure routines on a property

  • How to generate tasks from a routine

Session 2 - Scheduling and task management

60 mins


Uptick led


10 mins

Overview of Accreditations


10 mins

Service groups and scheduling

  1. Describe Service Groups, how to set them against routines as well technicians/contractors and explain why tasks split up

  2. Demonstration of sending notification

40 mins

  1. Go to the previously scheduled task and perform it, fail some of the assets and provide remarks and set the status of the task to Performed

  2. Go back to the Tasks dashboard and filter by Performed status

  3. Ensure fraction is complete on work tab
    (Activities Completed: Yes filter displays all full fraction tasks)

  4. Preview report

  5. Check for remarks open without a defect quote reference

By the end of this session you should understand:

  • How to set service groups on a routine or individual level

  • How to set service groups against technicians/contractors

  • How to review a task, check all works are complete and preview reports

Q&A / Tutorial Time

45 mins

Customer led questions, concerns and tutorial time (to get into the system and have another go!)

Session 3 - Defect Quote approval, callout/repair tasks

Note: You do not have to save the report before you dispatch, the dispatch will do it for you and send exactly what you saw on the preview screen. The dispatch will also complete and archive this task for you.

60 mins


Uptick led


30 mins

Defect quoting and repair task

  1. Add all items to quote

  2. Demonstration changing markup percentage

  3. Finalise quote

  4. Jump back to original task

  5. Preview report

  6. Quote reference should now be against each remark (therefore highlighting it's been quoted)

  7. Dispatch to client both the service report and defect quote

  8. Change email recipient or content of email

  9. Approve defect quote via online link created in session 4

  10. Create a repair task from this quote

  11. Allocate to technician/sub-contractor

  12. Enter due date

  13. Write a note on the timeline

Note: The approval link is also available in the customer portal. You will receive an email when the quote is approved and can setup favourites to monitor this also.

15 mins


  1. Go to the product catalog, configure a product with an attendance fee.

  2. Go to the property, create a call out either via task tab or an asset.

  3. Select an attendance fee

  4. Enter a due date

  5. Assign to technician/subcontractor

  6. Assign to round

  7. Save

15 mins

  1. Performing Callout/Repair tasks

  2. Ensure labour rates are setup for each user


By the end of this session you should understand:

  • Generating Defect Quotes

  • Submitting Defect Quotes to the client and understanding the approval process

  • Generating repair tasks from an approved Defect Quote

  • Creating attendance fee products

  • Creating Callouts and setting an attendance fee

  • Assigning technicians and contractors to a task

Session 4 - Billing and invoicing

60 mins

Notes: The system stores the client and property details until the service quote is approved, so you do not need to do data entry twice, or have clients which are not active in your server.


Uptick led


60 mins

  1. Show invoice settings in Control Panel > Invoicing and demonstrate the following:
    - Payment instructions
    - Sequence number
    - Sequence format

  2. Demonstrate service quoting

  3. Flow service quote into a property, demonstrating configuring the items that need it:

    • Accounting partner sync, linked invoices

    • Billing card (Generate from Uptick then push/link to partner)

    • Billing contracts - demonstrating the differences between fixed and do and charge

    • Demonstrate generating fixed billing invoices - setup a favourite

    • Demonstrate do and charge (or per asset/visit) billing contracts

By the end of this session you should understand:

  • Generating service quotes

  • Creating billing cards and linking them to clients/properties

  • How invoices interact with billing cards

  • Creating Fixed/Do & Charge billing contracts

Q&A / Tutorial Time

45 mins

Customer led questions, concerns and tutorial time (to get into the system and have another go!)

Session 5 - Setting Favourites and Workshop Q&A time

60 mins


Uptick led


15 mins

Setting up favourites to track what you regularly need to oversee.


45 mins

Workshop session and Q&A

Self paced learning using AA plan

By the end of this session you should understand:

  • Saving your filtering options as favourites

  • Adding favourite tiles on the home Dashboard based on your pre-saved favourites

  • Deeper insights

Session 6 - Actions, File/Folder management, Customer Portal and Non-contracted servicing

60 mins


Uptick led


15 mins

  1. Demonstrate how to create an Action and how they are added to tasks.

  2. Demonstrate any of the Documents tabs and how to manage files and folders.

  3. Provide an overview of the Customer Portal.


45 mins

  1. Configure products to variants

  2. Explanation of base date fields

  3. Create a defect quote or task

By the end of this session you should understand:

  • Creating Actions and understanding how they are added to tasks

  • How to upload and manage files and folders on a property and any other areas where files and folders can be uploaded

  • How clients can access information about their property from the Customer Portal

  • Differences between base dates, installation dates and service dates

  • How to configure products for Non-contracted Servicing

  • How to generate quotes and subsequent tasks for using the Non-contracted Servicing Dashboard

Q&A / Tutorial Time

45 mins

Customer led questions, concerns and tutorial time (to get into the system and have another go!)

Session 7 - Annual Certification (AU/NZ only)

60 mins


Uptick led


60 mins

  1. How to use the certifications (AESMR, ASMR, AFSS, Supplementary AFSS, Occupiers Statement, Form 3, Form 56)

  2. Add in ESMs

    • Fill in standard of performance

  3. Highlight ESM presets

By the end of this session you should understand:

  • How to configure an asset as an ESM

  • How to create an ESM preset

  • How annual certification reports are populated

Session 8 - App Training

60 mins


Uptick led


90 mins

  1. Quick 5 minute app overview

    1. Use the filters and find a task
      iOS / Android

    2. Open a task which was made in the last session

    3. Check the timeline and scope of works of the task.

    4. Start Travelling to the task

    5. Start Performing the task

    6. Complete the Take 5

    7. Start servicing and adding in assets

    8. Add in multiple different remarks and take a photo against remarks

    9. Add a logbook

    10. Collect signature

    11. Write a note on the timeline

    12. Mark as performed

By the end of this session you should understand:

  • How to use the filters in the app to view the tasks that need to be performed

  • How to add new assets in the app

  • How to perform inspection tasks

  • How to perform repair/callout tasks

  • How to finalise the task by completing logbooks, collecting signatures and marking the task as Performed

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