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Everything about Assets
Teresa Bui avatar
Written by Teresa Bui
Updated over a week ago

How to view and sort the Asset Registry for a specific Property

  1. In the top navigational bar, click on Properties → Properties and select a specific property.

  2. On the property’s home page, click the Assets tab. This will show the full list of all the assets associated with this site. This is known as the Asset Registry.

  3. Some of the headings in the top row can be used to sort the data. Click on the headings to nominate them as the sorting criteria, an arrow will appear to denote which alphanumeric direction the data will be listed (i.e up or down). In the example above, the assets are sorted by ‘Type’ and listed from a-z, as indicated by the small arrow that points ‘up’. This is the section that things like barcodes or locations will show.

  4. Use the Fields and Filters to narrow the data visible on the page.

  5. The data visible can also be downloaded via the ‘download as CSV’ button.

Barcodes on assets

Did you know you can have barcodes on assets? It makes it a lot easier onsite to find the correct asset to update the service information.

All you need to do is get barcodes printed (normally a printer will give you some samples) which you can then quickly test on our app to ensure they are legit barcodes.

The way to test if a barcode will work is:

  1. Head to a test task in the app, and make sure it's got a service or routine on there so you can add in an asset to it.

  2. Create an asset, or use an existing one.

  3. Click the barcode field in the details of the asset, and + a barcode in. This will then allow you to scan the barcode into the system.

  4. Click save.

  5. Ensure the barcode has saved by then using the barcode scanning button and scanning the same barcode. This should then take you to the asset within the task.

The below video shows this process in the app of how to add a barcode to an asset, then scan it to find the asset.

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