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Everything about Routines
Teresa Bui avatar
Written by Teresa Bui
Updated over a month ago

Using the Routines module, Uptick allows you to map your day to day work with the legislation and standards they are based on. Routine Services are added in the initial stages of Property creation, Uptick utilises this information to predict the date and tolerance period for every required site visit for the next 25 years! With 5 of these years viewable via the Routine schedules grid, you can always plan your site visits well in advance.

Prior to setting up Routines on your Properties, you need to ensure you have configured your Routine Service Types, this can be discussed during your onboarding period with your onboarding lead.


Setting up a Routine Service

  1. Create a Property, ensuring you add all relevant details, including Assets. Select the Routines tab and click the 'Manage routine services' button.

  2. Click Add Routines to display the page below. You will need to enter a Site Start Date, Routine Output Type (i.e. Task) and can choose to select a Site Contractor for entire Routine Service (i.e. your company).

  3. Select the Applicable Routine Types by typing in the filter search bar. You can choose to filter via one set of Standards (i.e. all AS1851-2005 or all AS1851-2012) or you can leave this blank in the circumstance you require a combination of different service standards for different Routine Service Types (i.e. 2005 EEL and 2012 Extinguishers). When finished adding all Routines, hit the 'Add Routines' button on the bottom right.

Routine Service Fields Key

Routine Start Date - The default list of routines provided by Uptick (AS1851 2012/2005) are built with a system that avoids duplication- If an Annual service is due in March the system will not show other services in that month (like a monthly or 6 monthly).

Annual due date = Routine Start date in order to auto-populate services that are triggered by the annual date.

​Note: When the annual due date for a routine is set as the 1st of the month, the task due date will be set to the end of the month to remove overdue warnings.

  • Example 1
    Today is 15/03/2020 and the first service due on your new site in April is a Sprinkler Annual test. Routine start date = 1st April 2020

  • Example 2
    Today is 15/03/2020 and the first service due on your new site in April is a Sprinkler Monthly test. Here you need to enter start date as the last Sprinkler Annual date. Routine start date = 1st September 2019

Routine End Date - this is if the contract is expiring or going to expire. If you don't have an expiry on the property services, leave this blank. Routines on inactive properties are filtered out of task generation in order to make them not generate.

Sub-contractor - will automatically be users company unless otherwise over-ridden.

Service Group - will automatically be routine types service group. This can be changed by editing the routine on the property level at any time.

Estimated duration per level - you can setup how long each level of service is estimated to take. For example, it might be 4 hours for the annual fire panel service, but only 10 minutes for the monthly service task.

Apply routine to assets tagged with - this can help with overriding the typical link between routines and asset types. You can use this to only bring certain assets through to tasks.

Allocating default technicians - gives you the ability to have tasks automatically assign through to a technician when generated. Read more on this here.

Did you know you can setup recurrent appointments for a routine? Watch the video below or click here for more.

Editing a routine on a property.

If a there is a need to edit a routine on a property, this can be done by:

  1. Going into the property where you want to edit the routine

  2. Click on Routines

  3. Click Manage routine services

  4. Scroll down to the routine you wish to edit, click on Actions, then click edit.

  5. Make your changes and then press save.


FAQ's on routines

Frequently asked questions (click to expand)

Can I add a routine to multiple properties at once?

While existing routines and their levels can be managed with bulk actions, adding new routines to multiple properties at once needs to be done with the data importer using the steps detailed in our article on Importing Routines.

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