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Create or update standards, routine service types and levels
Create or update standards, routine service types and levels

How to add and manage standards, routine service type and routine service level types

Teresa Bui avatar
Written by Teresa Bui
Updated over a week ago


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Uptick does not offer any support on custom routines, with the exception of requesting their removal from your server. This means if you create custom routines, you are responsible for setting them up correctly and managing any complications that may arise from that custom setup.

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How to create or update a standard

1. Navigate to Control Panel > Routines and click Manage standards.

2. Click Create new item to add a new standard, three horizontal lines to Delete or Duplicate an existing standard.

3. Double-click on the relevant Name or Description cell to change existing or provide new information. Then click Save changes.

How to create and update a routine service type

To create

1. Navigate to Control Panel > Routines and click Create routine service type

2. Complete Name and Standard fields, then click Create.

To update

1. Navigate to Control Panel > Routines, search for the routine service type and click on the hyperlinked name of the type.

2. Click Update, change any available fields, then click Update to confirm the changes.

Available fields on routine service type

Required (Name, Standard)

  • Name: The display name of the routine.

  • Standard: Select from a drop-down list of existing standards.

Optional (Short Name, Is Active, Service group, Standard reference, Standard notes, Performance standard, Product, Is Annual Certification)

  • Short Name: A condensed name for display in areas with limited space.

  • Is Active: ​Only appears when updating the level type. Inactive types cannot be selected on a property.

  • Service group: Default Service Group which can be adjusted at the property level.

  • Standard reference: The reference code associated with the selected standard.

  • Standard notes: Any applicable standard notes for this routine.

  • Performance standard: Any standards of performance for this routine

  • Product: Will automatically be populated future service quotes and billing contracts where this routine is applied, streamlining your workflows.

  • Is Annual Certification:
    Enable for generated routines covered by annual certification

How to create and update a routine service level type

To create

1. Navigate to Control Panel > Routines and click Create routine service type level type.

2. Complete Name, Display Code, Rouitne Service Type and Frequency fields, then click Create.

The orange ‘C’ symbol indicates that the service level type wasn’t included in the standard data packs and was custom-created by users on your server for that specific routine.

To update

1. Navigate to Control Panel > Routines, search for the routine service type and click on the hyperlinked name of the level.

2. Click Update, change any available fields, then click Update to confirm the changes.

Available fields on routine service level type

Required (Name, Display code, Routine service type, Frequency)

  • Name: The name of the service level.

  • Display code: The abbreviation that appears on the routine in reference to this level (ex. A, 6M)

  • Routine service type: Select the existing routine type this level applies to.

  • Frequency: The frequency of the service level. Provide a number in the first field, then select a time interval in the second field (months, days).

Optional (Is Active, Applicability note, Internal note, Service group, Service rank, Supersedes lower rank, Tolerance, Asset Based Service, Suggest to technician when onsite, Default enabled)

  • Is Active: ​Only appears when updating the level type. Inactive types cannot be selected on a property.

  • Applicability note: Provides note on the application of this level.

  • Internal note: Internal notes regarding this level.

  • Service group: Default Service Group which can be adjusted at the property level.

  • Service rank: A numbered rank assigned to the routine service level. The larger the number the higher the rank.

  • Supersedes lower rank: If enabled, this level will override a lower rank levels and prevent them from being displayed in the routine calendar.

  • Tolerance: The amount of time permitted for a routine service that hasn't been carried out by the due date. Provide a number in the first field, then select a time interval in the second field (months, days).

  • Asset Based Service: Checking this box will mean servicing will be completed using the asset base service date rather than the site base service date.

  • Suggest to technician when onsite: If enabled, indicates to technicians when a major service is due within three months before or after today. This setting is only visible if the feature for performing major services while onsite is enabled.

  • Default enabled: The level is selected by default when adding routines to properties and when choosing the routine type on service quotes.

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