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Creating required and non-required actions for tasks
Creating required and non-required actions for tasks
Teresa Bui avatar
Written by Teresa Bui
Updated over 10 months ago

The Actions extension makes use of dynamic forms to setup pre-task and post-task checklists and electronic forms (such as OH&S and risk assessment forms) for your technicians to complete. Checklists can be displayed on your reports with just a simple template change. While electronic forms can be sent in a dispatch to the client or via the App by your technicians.

This will help structure your workflows when visiting properties with site-specific requirements, reduce paperwork onsite and keep all your documents in one place.



1. Once the extension is enabled by us and permissions applied, go to Control Panel > Actions > Create Template.


Call your Action Template something i.e. Flow Test checklist or JSA Form.


This is what order this action must be done. Set to zero or a negative number and it will serve as a pre-start action (should be done before the task is started), add a positive number as a post-completion action (should be done before the task is finalised and sent in the field or office).
Note: In the app, post-task actions will appear in the Finalise tab.

2. Click Save Group.


3. Once you click Save, more rows will appear. Each row represents a checklist item that your technicians need to tick off.

Each row has the following to fill out:


The order in which the action will appear, with 0 being the top of the list.


The question you are asking.
i.e. Have you filled out this form? Have you done this/that?


The type of action to be performed:

  • Checkbox: Just a checkbox for your techs to tick i.e. Have you done this?

  • Form: If you're attaching an electronic form to fill out i.e. a JSA or OH&S
    Note: To use the Form option, you need to first have a form built in your system. Go to the bottom of this article for more information.

  • URL: A url link for your techs to go to. i.e. a page in Uptick or somewhere you want them to go to explain something (Uptick Knowledge Base).

  • Report type: Provides a link to generate a report of that type for the task. Useful for when users in the field need to generate a report of a certain type but don't have the means or permissions to do so otherwise.

Field or Office

This allows you to specify whether this action is to be done in the field or in the office. Field staff can only see Field actions while Office can see both.


  • If this box is ticked, is a field action and is a pre-start action, the system will stop technicians from touching their task items until it's completed.

  • If this box is ticked, is a field action and is a post-completion action, the system will stop technicians from setting the task into any performed statuses (performed, officereview or completed) and stop them from dispatching from the field. until it's completed.

Form type actions only

  • Once

  • Daily

  • Daily per technician

  • The default setting is Once, which means the Action only needs to be completed once for the current Task.

  • Setting cannot be changed to Daily/Daily per technician unless the Action is a form.

  • Daily/Daily per technician is for tasks that span more than one day, and will need to completed again for each new day.

Auto-apply to tasks


If you check this box, this checklist will attach itself automatically to every created task going forward.

Conditions: (Please contact support if you have difficulties setting this up.)

Add conditions to help slim down the tasks that this Action automatically attaches to. You will need to pick from the valid conditions and know the Uptick ID of that option.

Actions can have the following conditions:
client, clientgroup, servicegroup, category, property, service, branch, routineservicetype, routineserviceleveltype


To create a condition so the Actions will only appear on tasks for specific clients, type client[x] (where x is the ID number) in the Conditions field. You can have more than one ID number as long as they are separated by commas.
Click here to learn how to find a specific ID number.

Conditions can also be set as an exclusion by placing a not_ in front (i.e. setting the Action as Default, then setting the condition to not_client[x]) will apply to all tasks except that particular client.

4. Save Group.

Adding actions to your task

You have a few options when adding Actions to your tasks:

1. Auto-apply to task option explained above. Once this is set up, all FUTURE tasks will follow the conditions you've set above.

2. Manual adding to tasks. To add an action to any task manually, simply go to the Work tab of a task and click Load Action Template and select the Action you want to add to this task. I've gone ahead and added a Take 5 form to the below task.


Apply Actions automatically to tasks based on conditions

The settings to control whether the action will automatically appear on the task are determined by the settings under the Auto-apply tasks section when editing or creating an Action. See the explanation to learn more on how to configure your Actions to apply to task based on certain conditions.

Removing actions from a specific task (Desk only)

If there is a circumstance where a particular required action is not applicable to a specific task, you can delete the action group on the specific task so the Dispatch can still be performed.

  1. From a task click the Work tab.

  2. On the upper right hand corner of the Action group, click Delete > Confirm.


How actions appear in the app

Pre-task Action
Appears in the Work/Products/Repairs tab of the task - if set as required, work cannot be performed unless the Action is completed first.

Post-task Action

Appears in the Finalise tab of the task - if set as required, the task cannot be marked as performed or any other status unless the Action is completed first.

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