All Collections
Mobile app
Everything you can do from the field
How to complete a non-contracted service via the iOS app
User Account and Profile - iOS
Finding and searching tasks - iOS
Understanding Task Details - iOS
Session timer and task status - iOS
Performing inspections - iOS
Performing repairs and callout tasks in the app
Task finalisation - iOS
Submitting Timesheets - iOS
Adding assets - iOS
Starring tasks - iOS
How do barcodes work in Uptick?
Using the Places filter in the mobile app
See stock in your van from your mobile
How can I see previous reports from the property?
Use and Charge or Suggest for Quote? What's the difference?
Make tasks available offline in the app
App: How to add a product to a task
App: How to pass an asset on an I&T task
App: How to receive goods on a purchase order
App: How to submit a purchase order to a supplier
How to add notes to the task on the app
Supported Mobile Devices
When will I get notifications in the app?
View previous defect quotes on-site with the app
How do I change my display preferences on the app?
Using timesheets from the Uptick app
Creating a Defect Quote in the app
Performing asset capture and ad-hoc servicing on the app
Accessing your knowledge base in the app
Troubleshooting for the iOS App
Creating a callout task from the iOS app
How to pin a property to a new location in the iOS app
How to use filters in the iOS app
How to resolve an remark in the field (on the iOS app)
Getting started with the iOS app
Signing in to the iOS app
Signing out of the app - iOS
Using the Dashboard - iOS
Toolbox - iOS
Using the Dashboard - iOS
Using the Toolbox - iOS
Viewing the task list - iOS
Using the search bar - iOS
Using filters - iOS
Signing in to the app - iOS
Setting your user account preferences in the app
Signing out of the app - iOS
Accessing the help centre from the app - iOS
Contacting support from the app - iOS
How to complete a major service in the Android app
How to pin a property to a new location in the Android app
How to use filters in the Android app
Getting started with the Android app
Troubleshooting the Android app
Introducing the Android App (Comparison of features to iOS included)
Creating a callout in the Android app
Setting a technician's signature (Android)