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December 2023 - Website Release

News and updates from Uptick in December 2023

Maddison Taubert avatar
Written by Maddison Taubert
Updated over a week ago

December brings improvements to task profitability, service quoting, properties and several other areas of the system.

We've fast-tracked several changes to you this month already.

  • A new ‘Margin Review’ tab on reactive tasks.

    • The Margin Review tab is a place that allows staff to review a task’s incurred costs and expected profit margins all in one place. By leaving no room for mistakes, owners can be confident that their reactive tasks are being reviewed and invoiced correctly.

    • This tab will show you:

      • Purchase Orders

        • Any extra purchase order materials or labour that has or will cost you money, yet are not billable. It will not show costs on purchase orders still in draft or pending approval, these will be ignored as they are likely to not be incurred to the business.

      • Timesheets

        • A breakdown of timesheets submitted by staff and their costs.

      • Work tab

        • Any performed materials or labour service tasks that have been added to the Work tab. This includes any extra materials needed and added-on quoted repair tasks, helping you quickly understand any variations.

    • To encourage staff to review their margins before building an invoice, we’ve also added some warnings on invoice creation when we think margins should be reviewed. Read more about the Margin Review tab here.

  • ‘Everything’ search bar. You can now globally search for Property Address and OCSP number in the ‘everything’ search bar.

  • Geocoding Property Addresses. To save a bunch of time setting up properties, you can now geocode property addresses in bulk via the Property Address Validation page. The system will match as many addresses it can with a validated address - it may not figure out all of them!

  • CSV Downloading. We’ve adjusted the parameters for exporting data as a CSV in Uptick, allowing you to download larger datasets throughout the system.

  • Defect Quoting. To make the decision process easier, remark and asset location information can now be seen when selecting which defect quote items need to be split into separate repair tasks.

  • Purchase Orders. We’ve changed the purchase order status from ‘Partially Received’ to ‘Partially Delivered’ to reduce ambiguity. This status should be used to help staff choose which purchase orders to follow up on first.

    • A reason is now required when clients decline service quotes via the online approval link. To help report on this, this information can also be found when downloading the csv from the service quote list.

    • To help report on your sales team, we’ve added a date range filter to the service quote list for quotes Submitted, Approved and Declined, as well as adding those dates to the CSV download.

    • Authorisation details will now pull across to any tasks created from a completed service quote.

    • We included service quote description in the search function on the service quote list, allowing you to find particular service quotes more effectively.

    • Our importer templates now contain additional context to help you understand what options Uptick is expecting for choice fields. For example, it will now tell you what to import if you want to set ‘Open Access’ for a property’s access procedure.

    • You now only have to add an inactive date when making remarks via the importer inactive.

  • Quickbooks Accounting. You can now push subcontracted, equipment and expense products from Uptick into Quickbooks.

    • It is now simpler for you to transfer stock in bulk, where all products in a warehouse are shown together, so you don’t need to find each product one by one to transfer them together.

    • You can now see the products that require stock for a van in a Task and easily go to that warehouse to transfer or order more stock so your task is ready.

    • You can now set a fallback warehouse for stock consumption by engineers and technicians who don’t have a van warehouse or if you don’t run vans as warehouses.

  • Legislative prompt questions. You can now set prompt questions as required in the control panel, for quicker changes without needing to use the importer.

  • Remarks. You can now delete and rename remark photos from the task’s Work tab given you have the appropriate permissions - Can Delete Document and Can Rename Document.

  • Customer Portal. We’ve fixed an issue where desk staff could not save customer portal settings.

  • We’ve added a bunch of filters and columns on many lists around Uptick:

    • Suburb and Postcode filter on the property list

    • Invoice Date filter on the purchase order list

    • ‘Last Used’ [on task] and ‘Latest Cost’ [on purchase order] column on product list

    • Attendence fee filter on product list

    • Created Date filter on billing contract list

    • Active column on csv download on billing contract list

    • Task Category and Cost Centre filters on payroll list

    • Task Service Group and Technician’s Home Branch column on csv download on payroll list

    • Client group filter on the service quote list

    • Property tag filter on the remarks, defect quote, asset, and routine lists

    • ID column on client list

    • Postcode column on task list

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