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Everything about Tasks
Teresa Bui avatar
Written by Teresa Bui
Updated over a year ago

So you've seen a lot of talk about tasks, but you're not sure what they do and how they work. Well, you're in the right place. This article will explain all there is to know about tasks, task statuses, how to use them and what they are designed for.

Task Statuses

See our detailed task status guide to see the most commonly used task statuses and what they mean.

Deleting Tasks

Even though we often suggest against deleting tasks, there is an ability to do it. We only suggest using the task deletion function if:

  1. The task is new and nothing has been updated through it (no assets have been added, had remarks added or serviced).

  2. The task was created by accident.

  3. The task is a duplicate. If this is the case, make sure it is investigated of why the duplicate has occurred, so it doesn't happen again next month.

Important Note: There is a "can delete task" permission. You can assign this to certain security groups to limit the users that can complete this function.

Editing a Service Task

Within tasks, are service tasks. These are the way the task functions, linking together the routine/service and the assets onto the work tab.

  • Navigate to the work tab of a task.

  • Click BULK-UPDATE. This will take you to a page where all service tasks (routines/services and products) will display in a grid.

  • From here, you can edit any of the cells. Just click off the cell to save.

Helpful tip: This page behaves like an excel spreadsheet, meaning you can copy paste. Select a cell so it's blue and use your keyboard shortcuts to copy (Ctrl + C, Command + C). Select all cells to paste into and use the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl + V, Command + V).

Variations to tasks

If additional service tasks items are added to a quoted repair task, the Billable toggle will be off by default and will need to be toggled on in order to be added to the invoice. This avoids the client being charged for additional items that were not agreed upon.

Adding these additional service task items will result in a notification in the profitability summary on the main page of the task that reads VARIATIONS HAVE OCCURRED - hovering the mouse over this notification will inform you that additional works have been added that are not part of the originally quoted works and must be toggled on to be on the invoice. The office then needs to correspond with the client to confirm if they wish to be charged for the additional items or to be quoted separately.


Archiving Completed Tasks


Keywords: tasks, task statuses, status, performed, completed, office review, on hold, onhold, cancelled, revisit, vacant, pending external, access review, field review, in progress, scheduled, ready, not ready, service tasks, deleting tasks, delete task.

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