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Classic Logbooks
Teresa Bui avatar
Written by Teresa Bui
Updated over a week ago

The Logbooks feature is a powerful tool to help you organise your logbook information. Photos of the physical logbooks onsite can be captured for each task, and updated entries can be added to them when technicians update the corresponding physical on-site logbooks. Logbooks can be included in reports and made available to clients via the Uptick Customer Portal when they view the task.


Once enabled by us and permissions are applied, you can start using the feature.

Firstly, you need to create your Logbook types via the Control Panel. These are the types of logbooks your company uses i.e. Emergency & Exit Lighting, Fire Detection etc.

1. Go to Control Panel > Logbooks > Create Logbook type.

Contact support if you'd also like to add them to your Service Reports.

How to use

From the mobile app:

When in a task, go to the Finalisation tab and click "Complete Logbook".

1. Click 'ADD' and add the logbook type/s that you will be adding to this site. You'll only need to do this once for each site.

2. Once you have your types set up for this property, click into a logbook type to add an entry to this task.

3. Take photo/s of your paper logbooks onsite, add the serviced date and any notes.

4. Save and repeat for any other logbook types.

When the office processes this task, they can be viewed by the office via that task, or the photos will simply attach themselves to the service report and be sent to the client. Logbook photos can also be accessed by the client via the Customer Portal.


From the web:

The main flow for adding a logbook entry is via the mobile app, however, office staff can add logbook entries via a property or task they were added from.


1. Go to the Reporting tab of any property

2. Click 'View logbooks'.

3. Search and add a logbook type to this property if the technician hasn't added one yet.

4. Once a logbook type has been added to a property, VIEW this logbook type and ADD an entry.


1. Go to the Details tab of the task

2. Click 'View logbooks' > click 'Click here to view all property logbooks.' > View the logbook type you wish to add to > Add logbook entry

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