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May 2023 - Website Release

News and updates about Uptick's May 2023 release

JD avatar
Written by JD
Updated over a week ago

Featured improvements

Consolidated Invoicing!

  • It's now much faster to consolidate invoices for hundreds of tasks in just one click.

  • Consolidated invoices now display property and task information from each underlying task, providing greater transparency for complex clients.

  • Child tasks now recognise their revenue, meaning profit is assigned to the correct cost centre when you have consolidated invoices across multiple departments.

  • We now support building more than one template, allowing per-client customisation of how the invoice is displayed. We've also built two free invoice templates to support this workflow. See below for more info, or check out our how-to guide.

The Uptick release for May also brings with it several changes and improvements to the appointment scheduler, stock control and Quickbooks accounting.

Changes and Improvements

Profitability Reporting

  • When using the child/parent task relationship to send one invoice for multiple tasks, the appropriate revenue is now recognised on the children tasks.


  • We've brought back the ability to duplicate appointments in the new appointment scheduler, providing staff with a quicker way to add multi-day multi-tech events

  • We've added the ability to reassign several appointments to a different technician/engineer. Simply use the bulk edit on the appointments list.

  • You no longer need the Timesheet Approval permission to see non-task events.

  • We've made several small improvements to our stock control module, making it easier for everyday use.

    • You can now search a warehouse for stock, allowing you to find stock levels for an item quicker.

    • You can now see who and where a stock transaction came from, allowing you to easily identify why stock levels aren't correct. Simply go to a warehouse, view the Transaction History and make sure the Source column is exposed.

    • You can now add and search products by name and product code, to help those who identify stock by code.

    • You can now group a warehouse's stock by the product's supplier in order to easily understand what purchase orders need to be raised.


  • Uptick's free service report and prompts report now display a single asset photo taken onsite for that visit, allowing 'proof of visit' photos to be displayed when needed.

Routine Maintenance

  • It's now possible to display all the required routine maintenance on a property, regardless of if you maintain it or not on the customer portal.

    • When setting up a routine on a property, you can set the Output to be 'Do Nothing'. This stops that routine from creating tasks but still adds it to the property's schedule.

  • We've added better statuses to remarks to help identify whether they are on a defect quote or a submitted rectification:

    • Draft = Unpublished and yet to be reviewed and put on a published report. These are not visible on the customer portal until they are added to a published report.

    • Open = published and requires action

    • Open (Quoted) = published and on a finalised, submitted, approved or actioned defect quote

    • Resolved (Pending) = On a submitted rectification. Only relevant to customers using the rectification module.

    • Resolved = Resolved

Accounting Integrations


  • We've built two, free invoice templates to support invoices that cover multiple tasks and properties. Go to Control Panel > Document Templates > Uptick Template Library and hit 'Use' on either or both templates.

  • We now also support customers creating more than one invoice template, allowing per client customisation. Simply edit any draft invoice and change the Document Template used on that invoice.

  • Our Signoff module will soon assist you with your annual compliance to obtain contractor staff details like signatures, names and accreditations (e.g. the AFSS for NSW customers). Customers can watch the changes we make to the signoff process as we build them by taking a look at the new 'Beta' signoff processing tool.

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