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Contractors in Uptick
Teresa Bui avatar
Written by Teresa Bui
Updated yesterday

If you are a service provider (eg. Fire Maintenance, Electrical) you may use contractors to carry out services on behalf of your business.

Allocating contractors to certain services/routines automatically sends out a work order/task to your contractors, the easiest way to test this is set yourself up as a contractor and allocate the work order to yourself so you can see what happens.

To enter the Contractors Dashboard

Step 1: Click the People tab. From the drop-down menu, select Contractors.

Here you have the ability to:

  1. Create a new contractor

  2. View "contractors by sign-off method"- to see those contractors who have been requested for a sign-off each month (Read more about signoffs)

  3. Add contractor skills, categories, tags and service areas to further differentiate between all contractors on the system when logging a specific job.

Update a contractor

From the dashboard select a contractor from the list to view the contractor page.

Part A: Within the contractor page, you can update contractor details, write an internal note via the timeline and update signoff settings/preferences.

Part B: At the bottom of the contractor page, you can also view their signoffs or any correspondence (Read more here), and documents.

To create a new contractor

Step 1: Click the blue button labelled New contractor.

Step 2: You will be redirected to a form that requires product details, billing information and stock control information.

2.1 General information


Create Contractor

Contact Details

Active = Current or archived contractor

Contact mobile = Main contact's mobile

Starred = Saved at the top of the list as a commonly used resource

Contact BH = Main contact's business hours phone

Email = Main email address

Contact AH = Main contact's after-hours phone

Login account = If you already have a login for them, search for it here.

Contact fax = Main contact's fax number

Primary contact = Main contact person

Address = Company location

Category = Configurable options for grouping Contractors at a broad level. Categories can be configured in Control Panel > Contractors.

E-mail CC = Additional contact's email addresses

Tags = Configurable options for grouping Contractors at a more granular level. Contractor tags can be created in Control Panel > Contractors

Skill = Configurable options for grouping Contractors based on services provided. Skills can be configured in Control Panel > Contractors.

Service areas = Configurable locations serviced. These are set by postcodes. Service areas can be configured in Control Panel > Contractors.

Zones = Assign the Contractor to a Zone

Supplier = Link the Contractor to a Supplier
​Note: This is a mandatory field and will be used when raising a PO for subcontracted work.

Notes = Basic comments about the contractor

Being thorough when providing contractor details helps to avoid any communication pitfalls and overheads that may occur.

3. When all the details have been filled out, click Save contractor.

Create an account for a contractor

You'll need to create a login account for a contractor if you want them to use the contractor portal.

Uptick gives you the ability to assign contractors to any type of work, allowing them to add and resolve remarks, upload documents, perform assets, and more. This process will update your data simultaneously and track tasks throughout the process, which not only gives you better insights as to how your subcontracted work is going but also reduces double handling and cuts down your processing time and costs.

To create an account, check out this article here. Alternatively, you can send them an invitation. This not only creates an account, it notifies them about this account and lets them reset their password.

Send an invitation by viewing the contractor's profile and then click 'Send Invitation'.

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