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March 2021 - Website Release
Teresa Bui avatar
Written by Teresa Bui
Updated over 2 years ago

Release Date: 18th March

Featured Improvements

  • In a first-of-its-kind design, you can now use the Uptick app to digitally place assets on a site floor plan to not only reduce the time it usually takes to locate assets throughout entire buildings and across multiple floors, but also provide greater visualisation and understanding to customers with a representation of their assets on a geospatial map on their Customer Portal.

Key Benefits:

  • Save time on the field: increase efficiencies and reduce the time it usually takes to locate assets like fire extinguishers or emergency lights throughout entire buildings, across multiple floors.

  • Fast for technicians to get started: Automatically create a ground floor map from Google Maps, or from a photo of the evacuation plan, or upload a pre-existing image or PDF.

  • Increase customer insights: Provide greater visualisation and understanding to customers with a visual representation of their assets on a geospatial map.

Changes and Improvements

  • The newest version (3.1) of AFSS in NSW was built and released (effective March 1st) to all companies already using our previous AFSS report. You would have noticed a new 'AFSS March 2021' report show up in your report options on tasks. Contact support when you are ready to make your old AFSS version inactive or if you'd like us to make the newest version available on your system.

  • The Task Value field that can be found and downloaded on the Task list now acts reactively to what billable values you've added and removed from your tasks and hence now caters to all types of tasks. Given this, companies can now grab a projected sell value (excluding GST) of all their tasks filtered into the Task list before invoices are created.

  • On the subcontractor portal, contractors are now able to bulk assign their technicians to tasks, as well as bulk set a scheduled date. Read the 'Contractors assigning their own technicians' section of this help article for more information.

  • When adding a product to a Purchase Order, you are now greeted with a popup that pre-filters products by the supplier that that Purchase Order is created for. This was mainly built in order to help find the products more easily and make sure you have the correct product codes and costs so purchasing material and labour is quicker, with less back and forth.

  • The Task Ref is now included in the subject when creating emails externally from Uptick tasks. If the Task Ref is kept in the subject once the email is externally sent, Uptick will send and store the email into the Correspondence tab of that task. Read more about sending external emails to Uptick here.

  • Uptick has added a supervisor field to make it easier to allocate defect quotes to a supervisor for approval or completion.

  • Uptick has built a separate importer for when importing esms to clean up our flows and to also remove all the esm only fields from the asset importer. Please use the esm importer going forward for importing esms.

  • Uptick now allows you to bulk update billing contract authorisation refs, amounts, notes, review dates and end dates using a spreadsheet. Chat to support for more information.

  • Uptick now restricts dispatches over 10Mb from being sent. We did this as many mailboxes didn't accept the sized emails that we were allowing you to send, furthermore, most mailboxes recommend not to send anything over this limit. This helps us be more robust, while also making improvements to our backend systems and processes.

  • Filters and columns

    • Invoice List

      • Task Category to csv

      • Task Service Group to csv

    • Billing Contract list

      • Billing Contract Billing Card as a filter

      • Billing Contract Billing Card as a column

      • Billing Contract Billing Card to csv

      • End Date added as a bulk edit

      • Review Date added as a bulk edit

    • Site-wide Profitability

      • Branch as a filter

      • Task scheduled date to csv

      • Task due to csv

      • Task name, description and scope of work search

    • Contractor's Task list

      • Scheduled Date as a column

    • Defect Quoting list

      • Total Cost Price as a column

      • Total Cost Price in csv

      • Property status filter

    • Tasks list

      • Scheduled Date to show time as well as the date.

      • Authorisation amount to csv.

      • Ability to bulk clear parent task in bulk edit

    • Product Catalog

        • Supplier to CSV

    • Property List

      • Has Assets filter to determine if a property does or doesn't have assets

      • Has Routines filter to determine if a property has routine or not

      • Property annual value to csv

    • Send Appointments list

      • Appointment category as filter

      • Primary and Support Technician/s to csv

bSecure Improvements

  • Uptick now allows the ability to rename and delete bSecure documents in the bSecure tab of a property. Given you are uploading straight to the bSecure portal now, this functionality needed to be rebuilt into the document upload process for bSecure. Read more about bSecure here.


1. Geospatial Floorplans

Introducing Uptick's Geospatial Floorplans! Geospatial Mapping allows field staff to add and place a site's asset registry on an uploaded floorplan, so that assets throughout entire buildings and across multiple floors can be viewed and located at once. See where assets are relative to you, service those assets from the plan and see asset insights such as their last service date and compliance at a glance.

Click here to read more about Geospatial Floorplans and how to get started.

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