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Service Quoting Dashboard
Chris George avatar
Written by Chris George
Updated over a week ago

The Service Quoting Dashboard is designed to provide comprehensive insights into your sales performance, team performance, and client breakdown. This guide will help you understand the functionalities and features of this new dashboard, ensuring you can leverage it to its full potential.

Accessing the Dashboard

To access the Service Quoting Dashboard, navigate to the Reports and Insights table in your account. You will find it under the Sales and Quoting section.

Key Sections and Features

1. Overall Sales Performance

This section provides a detailed trend chart, giving you a comprehensive view of your sales performance over time. Each bar represents the distribution of quotes across various statuses for a single month.

You can use the legend to toggle on and off different quote status to isolate specific stage of the sales funnel and view its trends.

2. Sales Funnel Breakdown

The enhanced Sales Funnel Breakdown offers a comprehensive view of your sales pipeline's performance. Track the number of quotes you're issuing, how many have been approved, and what's pending.

Key features include:

  • Pipeline Analysis

    • Offers detailed insights into various stages of the sales funnel

    • Track the number of quotes you're issuing, how many have been approved, or what's pending.

    • Track your earnings potential and profits sitting across different stages of the funnel.

  • Conversion Times

    • Track the time taken between different stages of the sales process to monitor workflow efficiency.

    • Understand how long it takes to submit different quote values and how long they take to get approved.

By analysing different stages of your sales funnel, you can identify bottlenecks, streamline workflows, and make data-driven decisions to enhance your sales strategy and effectiveness.

3. Client Breakdown

This section helps you target your customer base more effectively.

  • Gain insights into your top clients and their respective industry segments.

  • Understand where your sales are coming from by analysing your top customers, most profitable ones, the new ones and the various segments you're catering to.

  • Use the Client Breakdown section to understand who your most valuable and profitable clients are, and develop strategies to retain and acquire clients.

This dashboard is not just for tracking sales; it's a powerful lever for business growth. Maximise its potential to secure more deals and elevate your contract wins.

Note: Client Sector shows your clients classified into different industry sectors. This has been auto-classified by Uptick (accuracy can vary) and can be edited in the respective client or client group's details page under Sector.

4. Sales Team Breakdown

Use Salesforce Performance insights to track your team’s KPIs and identify areas where your team can improve or celebrate-

  • View sales performance data for individual salespersons

  • Monitor targets across the team and leverage live data for sales checkins and progress reports.

  • Access metrics such as Total Quotes,Total Won, Win Rate and more to track, celebrate or improve team performance.

Note: You can deep dive into a single sales person’s metrics by filtering the entire page to their data using the Author filter on the top of the page.

5. Filtering Capabilities

The dashboard allows you to filter data by specific time periods, authors, branches, and clients. These filters update the entire dashboard to only show you the data you’ve specified with the filters.

You can use filters to find answers to question like

  1. How many service quotes did Client A approve?

  2. What is our win rate for Branch B?

  3. How many quotes did Steve win for Client Group C?

  4. What % of quotes did Sales Team X convert last month? How much revenue did they secure?

Taking Action

The dashboard delivers actionable insights that can help you win more contracts and improve your sales performance. Make sure to:

  • Regularly track your sales performance and trends.

  • Identify areas where your team can celebrate or improve.

  • Develop strategies for client acquisition and retention based on the insights provided.

As always, if you have any questions or need further assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.

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