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FAQs - Service Quoting

Frequently asked questions about service quotes (SQs), workflows and functionalities

Uliana Tokerava avatar
Written by Uliana Tokerava
Updated over a month ago

Why is the service quoting module not visible in my workspace?

Please contact [email protected] to enable the module.

Can terms and conditions be automatically populated for all service quotes?

Navigate to the Control Panel, open the Service Quoting tab, and enter terms in the Service Quote template terms and conditions field.

Does the service quote pdf show a cost breakdown for routines or products?

Visibility of the cost breakdown depends on the selected Service Quote template:

β€’ Service Quote (Itemised) – Displays the price of each line item.

β€’ Service Quote (Totals only) – Shows only the total price for Required Works amd Maintenance (Fixed) sections.

Refer to Document and email templates for more details on setting up document templates.

Can additional documents be included when sending a service quote?

Certainly! Refer to How to finalise and submit a service quote for instructions.

Can styling options, such as bold and italics, be used in service quote text fields?

There are styling options are available in Service Quote text fields, including bold, italics, and headings. Refer to the Markdown Styling in Uptick Text Boxes support article for more information.

How to adjust the text box size when entering a scope of works?

The text box can be resized by clicking and dragging the icon in the bottom-right corner.

Should the Service Quoting module be used for defects from routine maintenance?

Defects should be quoted using the Defect Quoting module, which ensures accurate linking of products to existing remarks and improves efficiency. While products can be added to a Service Quote, this method is not recommended for defect quoting.

How can default service quote templates be modified?

Service quote templates can be customized in the Control Panel, learn more in Document and email templates article.

Can the recipient of a service quote be changed?

Yes, the recipient, body text, and any CC or BCC recipients can be updated before sending. Refer to How to finalise and submit a service quote for more details.

Why is an expiry date required on a service quote?

Expiry dates keep pricing accurate and consistent with other quotes in Uptick. For long-term validity, the expiry date can be set far into the future (e.g., 12 months).

How to ensure a purchase order is attached when a client accepts a quote?

The system does not enforce mandatory PO attachments, but adding a note in the quote email helps communicate that a PO is required before approving the quote.

How can a separate price and estimated duration be set for each level on the same routine in a service quote?

Click the three horizontal lines on the right to Duplicate the line item and adjust the levels or estimated duration.

To display a cost breakdown to the client, use the Service Quote (Itemised) template.

How can a labour charge be included for Required Work?

Click Create new item or Duplicate an existing item, then select the labour rate.

Can the pricing be adjusted without using markup?

Cost and sell prices can be manually adjusted without use of markup.

Are column changes on the service quote table saved by default?

Most of the tables will remember the additional columns added when returning to the page. In addition, favourite filters help quickly reapply preferred column arrangements and quote statuses.

How to manually approve or decline a service quote?

Open the service quote, click the dropdown on the Submitted status, and transition the quote to: Mark approved or Mark declined statuses.

Can the voided service quote be reverted to draft?

A voided quote cannot be returned to draft, but it can be duplicated

When selecting a routine on a service quote, does the price of a linked labor rate automatically populate like its description?

The price must be entered for each service quote because routine servicing prices vary based on the pricing agreement, asset count, and quoting method.

Will adjusting a product description in Required Works on a service quote automatically update the invoice?

The description carries over to the task but must be retained by selecting No Grouping when creating the invoice. Otherwise, the product catalog description will be used.

Do tags on service quotes carry over to tasks?

Tags are unique to each module, so service quote tags remain separate from those on generated tasks.

Can tags be used to filter and extract service quote data, e.g., for monthly sales reports?

Tags can be used to organize and filter service quotes, as well as exported from Uptick.

How can the correct client/property be selected when creating a service quote if they have identical names?

When searching in the service quoting module, the primary name appears beneath the client name to help with identification.

If the property already exists, creating a service quote directly from the property page simplifies the process by reducing the need to search and select the property and client manually.

Do line items need to be filled out every time, even for contract renewals?

Line items must be entered for each service quote. if service quotes are often similar, consider creating multiple service quote drafts, applying service quote tags for easy identification, and duplicating them as needed. Alternatively, the previous quote for the client can be duplicated for contract renewal.

After creating the duplicate, please remember to update the property and client fields.

How can the text in the service quote fields be checked for grammar and spelling errors?

Please install 3rd party software, such as Grammarly, to check your spelling and grammar within your browser.

Can Uptick be used to collect customer signatures?

Uptick does not currently integrate with electronic signature tools. Some customers collect signatures externally and upload them as part of the approval process.

Does a reminder email for the service quote approval get sent to the original recipient?

Correct. The email address provided when sending the service quote, whether the original primary contact or a different recipient, will receive the reminder.

Does the service quoting feature allow automated customer reminder emails like defect quoting?

Reminder emails can be sent for service quotes, but this is not automated like defect quotes. To send reminders, open each quote individually or use the bulk edit feature from the service quote main page.

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