Make sure you received the link to the Service Quote sent via email. Alternatively, open your Customer Portal to locate the quote.
How to approve a service quote (on behalf of your customer)
1. Find your service quote and click View
1. Find your service quote and click View
To find your service quote, you can use the search bar in the top right hand corner of your Uptick workspace and type in your quote reference number or name of the quote
If you are a recipient of a service quote (e.g. you received a link to approve via an email), proceed from step 3 onwards
Once approval has been sent, any original recipients of the quote will receive a confirmation email of approval.
Only 1 document can be attached per authorisation.
How to decline a service quote
You must be the recipient of a service quote (e.g. you received an email with a link to view the service quote) in order to Decline
Once a decline has been sent, any original recipients of the quote will receive a confirmation email of the decline.
Next Steps
If the quote is Approved, you can begin working through the Completion Information.
If the quote is Declined, you will need to review the comments from your customer to proceed. You may wish to revert the quote back to the Draft status to make adjustments before re-sending the customer an updated quote