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Creating a new routine types and setting applicable assets
Creating a new routine types and setting applicable assets
Teresa Bui avatar
Written by Teresa Bui
Updated over a week ago

Much of Uptick's functionality relies on routines to be carefully set up. This article outlines the steps for the following:

Note: Uptick does not offer any support on custom routines, with the exception of requesting their removal from your server. This means if you create custom routines, you are responsible for setting them up correctly and managing any complications that may arise from that custom setup.


Creating and configuring a new routine service type

  1. Go to Control Panel > Routines > Create routine service type

  2. Fill out the following:


The display name of the routine.


Select from a drop-down list of standards. The standards are managed under Control Panel > Configure Standards.

Standard reference

Reference code for the standard.

Standard notes

Any applicable standard notes for this routine.

Performance standard

Include any standards of performance for this routine here.

Service group

Set a service group that always applies to any instances of this routine.

Update existing routine service types

  1. Go to Control Panel > Routines > Click on the routine service type you wish to update

  2. Click Update in the upper right corner

  3. Make your changes then click Update

Creating and configuring a new routine service level type

  1. Go to Control Panel > Routines > Create routine service level type

  2. Provide the following details:


The name of the service level.

Display code

The abbreviation that appears on the routine in reference to this level.

Routine service type

Select the routine type this level applies to. The list is populated by existing routine service types in Uptick.

Applicability note

Provides note on the application of this level.

Internal note

Internal notes regarding this level are placed here.

Service rank

A numbered rank assigned to the routine service level.

Supersedes lower rank

For multiple service levels where you require a higher ranked level to override a lower rank to avoid duplication in the routine calendar (i.e. annual level should override monthly level). The larger the number the higher the rank.


The frequency of the service level. Provide a number in the first field, then select a time interval in the second field (months, days).


The amount of time permitted for a routine service that hasn't been carried out by the due date. Whether a task is completed in or out of tolerance is determined by the date the status of the task is set to Performed.

Asset based

Toggle an asset based service. Out of contract asset based services are managed through a dedicated dashboard rather than routine task generation.

Uses Slippage
(Asset based levels only)

  • When unticked, the next service will be calculated off the base date.

  • When ticked, will use the last service date to calculate the next (in the absence of a prior service date, it will start with the base date)

Update existing routine service level types

  1. Go to Control Panel > Routines > Click on the routine service level type you wish to update

  2. Click Update in the upper right corner

  3. Make your changes then click Update

Assigning applicable assets to your routines

  1. Click control panel > asset types

  2. Click edit next to the asset type you want to assign to a routine

  3. Under the maintenance section select a routine from the applicable routines drop-down list.

  4. If there are any service levels you want to exclude from the asset select the exclusions from the excluded routine levels drop-down list.

  5. Click save asset type.


Configuring inclusions/exclusions on a specific variant

You can set specific variants to be included as part of a routine and also create level exclusions for that routine. To learn more about managing asset types and variants, see the article here.

  1. Click Control Panel > Asset Types > View the Asset Type.

  2. Click on Variants > Edit the Variant.

  3. Select the appropriate routine by searching and selecting a routine from the Override routines field. All routine levels will apply unless selecting the specific exclusions from the Excluded routinelevels field.

  4. Click Save Variant to commit the changes


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