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How to create a purchase order for a warehouse
How to create a purchase order for a warehouse

Build a PO for materials, equipment or subcontracted work for a warehouse

Uliana Tokerava avatar
Written by Uliana Tokerava
Updated this week


You will need the Purchase Order and Warehouses modules turned on in your workspace. If you do not see this in your main menu, reach out to [email protected].

You will also need the following permissions in your security group:

  • Can view purchase orders.

  • Can create and update purchase orders and dockets.

  • Can create and manage warehouses, stock-takes and transfers.

  • Upload documents.

Click here to learn about permissions and security groups.

How to create a purchase order for a warehouse

1. Navigate to Billing > Purchase Orders and click Open the task and click Create Warehouse Purchase Order.

2. Select Supplier, Type and Warehouse.

Subcontractor-type Purchase Orders include a field to select an existing contractor; If left empty, defaults to the contractor associated with the supplier.

3. Click Create new item, then double-click under the Product column to select a product.

4. Select a product from the list using search by name or filter by supplier, category, sub-category or type.

The type filter is automatically applied based on the purchase order type. Additionally, the ‘Stocked & expense products only’ checkbox ensures that only stocked and expense products are displayed.

5. Review Purchase Order (Summary, Line Items, Documents)

  • Summary.

  • Line Items:

  • Documents: internal only— these will not be sent to the supplier nor visible to the client.

Available fields on a purchase order:

Required (Ref, Supplier, Type)

  • Ref: Automatically generated by Uptick as it has to be unique.

  • Supplier: Drop down list of your suppliers stored in Uptick.

  • Type: Select materials, equipment, or a subcontractor.

  • Warehouse: the facility where the items from the purchase order should be stocked.

Optional (Date, Email Contact, Supplier ref, Description, Delivery Instructions, Estimated delivery date)

  • Date: defaults to today but can be manually adjusted.

  • Email Contact: Leave blank to use the supplier’s main contact, or select a different one from the Supplier’s contacts.

  • Supplier ref..

  • Description.

  • Delivery Instructions: Select a preset for pickup or delivery (you can pick from onsite or a warehouse). this will auto-fill details that you can edit for the supplier’s PO.

  • Estimated delivery date.

Recommended steps

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