You will need the following permissions in your security group:
can view purchase orders.
can create and update purchase orders and dockets.
can approve and submit any purchase order to approve purchase orders of any amount.
Click here to learn about permissions and security groups.
How to get a purchase order approved
There are three ways to get a purchase order approved, depending on permissions and approval limits. Click the dropdown on the Draft status and transition the purchase order to:
Approve - requires permission to approve and submit any purchase order.
Approve - requires permission to approve and submit any purchase order.
Set up a dashboard favourite for purchase orders in the Status: Awaiting Approval, review each and transition to Approve or Reject statuses.
Set auto-approval limit for all users without permission to approve and submit any purchase order in Control Panel > Purchase orders > Purchase Order auto-approve limit.
If approval limits vary by user, set up per-staff authorisation limits.
How to submit a purchase order to a supplier
Submit to Supplier (sends email) β email automatically sent to the supplier with attached purchase order.
Mark as Manually Submitted β Used when the order is placed externally or over the phone, so no email is sent to the supplier.