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Suppliers in Uptick

Setting up suppliers for products and subcontractors

Aleks Petrovic avatar
Written by Aleks Petrovic
Updated over 11 months ago

Suppliers are required for you to raise Purchase Orders in Uptick as they are linked to your contacts in your accounting partner and tell us which contact the purchase order will be raised against. This guide outlines how you can set up your suppliers and make sure they're properly connected to your accounting integration.

Supplier setup

1. Click Users > Suppliers > Create Supplier

2. On the following page, fill out all the applicable fields.



Name of the supplier.


Reference code you use for the supplier if applicable.

Business Number

Supplier business number.


If this box is unchecked, the supplier will be inactive and will not be available to select from any part of Uptick until it's made active again.

Bills due

Allows for due dates to be set on the bill raised for this supplier based on number provided and the associated options. The available options are:

  • Days after:
    Will set a due date for the specified number of days after the bill has been raised.

  • Days after the end of the month:
    Will set a due date for the specified number of days after the end of the month in which the bill was raised.

  • Of the month:
    The number specified determines the due date in the current month the bill was raised (i.e. 15th of the month)

  • Of the following month:
    The number specified determines the due date on the month after the bill was raised (i.e. 15th of the following month)

Accounting Integration

Leave this blank to use the default accounting partner.

Purchasing Contact details

*Contact Name and Email are necessary for PO's to function properly

The contact you want to send your purchase orders in Uptick to.

Contact Name*

Contact Email*

Contact Email CC

Contact Mobile

Contact Address

Accounts Contact details

The contact you want your purchase order bills (supplier invoices) to send to in your accounting organisation. We will push this information in for you when you create & link your supplier with your accounting partner.

Contact Name

Contact Email

Contact Email CC

Contact Mobile

Contact BH (Business Hours)

Contact AH (After Hours)

Contact Fax

Contact Address

3. Once you've filled out all applicable fields, click Save Supplier to finish setting up the supplier. You can edit the setup at any time by viewing the Supplier and clicking Update.

Connecting the supplier to accounting partner

Once a supplier has been created you can connect them to your accounting partner.

Creating a new supplier:

For most accounting partners, this process will create a new contact. We recommend this approach going forward once you start using Uptick to avoid staff having to go into the accounting partner to create new suppliers.

  1. When viewing a supplier, click Create New under the (Accounting Partner Name) Integration section.

  2. After a short time the supplier will be pushed to your accounting partner and will bring across the following supplier details:

    • Name

    • Business Number

    • Active

    • Bills Due

    • All the Accounts Contact Details

Linking with an existing contact in your accounting partner:

This approach is not recommended.

  1. When viewing a supplier, click the link icon in the integration panel.

  2. Search and select your existing contact in your accounting partner.

Pushing your existing contacts from your accounting partner into Uptick:

This approach is recommended when you first start using Uptick for suppliers and purchase orders, as it saves a lot of time.

  1. Go to Control Panel > Accounting.

  2. Make sure your accounting integration is set up to 'Create and Update' suppliers.

  3. Click Run Sync.

    This will create a new supplier in Uptick for every contact that syncs across from your accounting partner. From then forth, any new suppliers that need to be created can be created from Uptick using the 'Creating new supplier' method listed above.

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