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Uptick Cheat Sheet

This is your go to guide for going Live with Uptick

Elyce Smith avatar
Written by Elyce Smith
Updated over a week ago

Welcome to our Cheat Sheet for Going Live with Uptick! This guide provides a quick reference to help you navigate common questions and helpful reminders. Here, you'll find a glossary of terms, favourites to help bring tasks to the forefront, quick tutorial videos, and helpful reminders to ensure a smooth experience.

Table of content:

Not sure what something means within Uptick, check out our Glossary below:

Setting up favourites can be a game changer to manage your daily, weekly and even monthly tasks

Click here on how to set them up and for some inspiration:

Wanting to reflect on the core Uptick workflow and how each feature fits into each other:

Generating Routine Tasks

At the beginning of each week or month, you will be getting ready to generate your routine tasks, ready to prepare to assign and/or schedule them for your engineers. This video reminds you how easy it is:

Helpful reminders

  • When you generate a task, it will use the information and settings from the system at that specific point in time. If you change things like actions or assets after generating the task, you'll need to manually update the tasks with these new details

  • Add assets to a property before generating a routine task for them to pull through automatically, otherwise you can press 'reapply subtasks'

Scheduling Tasks

Need some tips and tricks for scheduling or assigning your tasks to Engineers, this video runs through the basics:

Helpful reminders

  • Using the scheduler for the first time, make sure to click the icon to select the engineers calendars you want to see

  • You can set up favourites for your regular scheduling activities, if you are in charge of scheduling for a specific service area for example

Review + Process + Dispatch to your Clients

As your Engineers complete their work onsite, the tasks will change to a PERFORMED state. This video will give you some tips to remember when closing these out:

Helpful reminders

  • As you review the work, make sure that the Work tab shows a complete fraction, ie 4/4 to make sure the work is all complete by the engineer

    • You can use the Service button or 'Bulk Update' function to adjust things that the engineers may have missed

  • If you are dispatching for the first time and aren't able to press send. You might find that you haven't added contacts to the client or property, therefore you don't have someone to send it to

  • We have the Archive & Complete buttons automatically ticked, so make sure to untick the 'Archive' and 'Complete' button if you have outstanding work to do on the task

  • Defect Quoting

    • Get your engineers to use the 'Suggest for Quote' button in their app when adding a remark

    • Use Snippets to make adding your Scope of Works simple

Invoicing - using Billing Contracts

Billing contracts allow you to streamline your routine invoicing. You will be generating and dispatching invoices via your tasks. If you have fixed contracts with your clients (where you bill them the same amount on a set date), you can bulk generate these invoices via the Billing contracts tab. If you have contracts where you do the work for your customers and then charge them, you can use Do & Charge contracts, where you will be able to send the invoice directly from the task, along with your service reports and any defect quotes.

Want to start using Billing Contracts?

Service quoting

You are able to create and send off quotes to your clients or prospects using Upticks service quoting functionality.

Helpful reminders

  • Use Snippets to streamline adding in your Scope of Works (can add multiple at a time), along with your Terms & Conditions

  • Required Works is where you are adding any installation work, which will then generate into a task as you press 'Complete'

  • Add your ongoing routine maintenance to either the Fixed Routines or Do & Charge Routines at the bottom. This will make sure to add the routine directly onto the Property once you press 'Complete'

  • If you are creating a Quote for a new Property, when you press 'Complete', it will create the Property in a 'Setup' status, so you will want to make sure to go into the Property and make sure all information you would like against the property is updated along with any billing contracts, before performing work

Adding Assets

Adding assets to a property can be done (or edited) by your Engineers while they are on site, or you can add these before they go to service a property.

Here are some helpful reminders:

Helpful reminders

  • If you have generated routine tasks and then added assets to a property, you will need to go into the task and press 'reapply subtasks' to pull through the asset to the task

Creating + Adding Forms

You have the flexibility of using our pre-built forms (Australia & UK) or building your own form templates. These can then be linked to tasks through Actions.

How the Form Builder Works:

How to connect your forms to tasks - Actions:

Helpful reminders

  • Actions will only link to tasks generated after the action has been created

    • You can retrospectively add them through the 'load action template' in the Work tab of a task

  • Use the 'Order' to allow for an action to go before or after the activity

  • Tick the 'Editable' button on a Dynamic Form to allow engineers to have forms can be save without being submitted, allowing them to be filled in over multiple days

Final Reminder

This article is here to bring common queries to the forefront, if you are finding that you have more questions, always know our Support team are here to help.

For the most efficient responses, send us a message via the '?' button on the top right of your server

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