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Bulk Actions

How bulk adjustments can be made across various sections in Uptick

JD avatar
Written by JD
Updated over a week ago

A bulk action is the means to make changes to lists of data, such as selecting multiple routines to generate tasks from, or sending notifications to multiple recipients. This article covers how to perform bulk actions, where they can be performed and what can be applied as a bulk action across various parts of Uptick.

Performing a bulk action

From any page where a bulk action is supported, the best practice is to do the following:

  1. Search and apply filters to get a specified listing for all the items that will have the bulk action applied.

  2. Click the tick-box at the top of the listing to select everything on the current page

  3. Click Select all (x) (item) to select everything across all pages, where x is the total number of items to be selected and item is the object being listed (i.e. if on the tasks page the item will be tasks)

  4. Click Edit (x) (item)

  5. A window will appear where you can select the changes to apply, then click Apply changes.

Where bulk actions can be performed

This table outlines all the areas where bulk actions are possible, which actions can be applied and how to navigate to them.

Some of these are areas or bulk actions are only available if the appropriate extensions are enabled.

Items that can be bulk updated

Bulk actions/changes that can be applied


  • Issue invoices (with Preview)

  • Active (Yes/No)

  • Name

  • Category

  • Zone

  • Client

  • Description

  • Billing Card

  • Service Group

  • Add Tags

  • Remove Tags

  • Status

  • Parent Task

  • Priority

  • Add comment (to timeline)

  • Assigned (Technician)

  • Add supporting Technician

  • Remove Supporting Technician

  • Assigned (Contractor)

  • Round

  • Due Date

  • Authorisation Ref

  • Branch

  • Cost Centre

Defect Quotes

  • Transition (Quote Status)

  • Add Tags

  • Remove Tags

  • Cost Centre

  • Expiry date

  • Add comment (to timeline)

  • Reminder Email Template

  • Actions (Send reminder email)

Service Quotes

  • Transition (Quote Status)

  • Review date

  • Add comment (to timeline)

  • Actions (Send reminder email)


  • People > Clients

  • Status (Active/Inactive)

  • Autoreminders enabled (Yes/No)

  • Add tags

  • Remove tags

  • Change Client Group

  • Add comment (to timeline)


  • People > Users

  • Status (Active/Inactive)
    ​NOT RECOMMENDED - when users are made inactive via bulk action, they will still retain current assignments (default technician, office assignee, etc.)
    It's recommended to make users inactive individually via Update > Untick Active. This will prompt a reassignment page to redirect to other active users where required.


  • Add to Groups (Security Groups)

  • Remove from Groups (Security Groups)

  • Change License

  • Add to Branches

  • Remove from Branches


  • Billing > Invoices

  • Actions (Send reminder email)

Billing Cards

  • Billing > Billing Cards

  • Actions (Push Billing Cards to Partner)

Billing Contracts

  • Billing > Billing Contracts

  • Bulk Process Options

    • Create and send invoices

    • Create draft invoices

    • Make (Billing Contract) Active/Inactive

  • Authorisation Ref

  • Billing Card

  • Finish Date

  • Review Date

  • Schedule Price Increase
    (for updating CPI price increases manually)


  • Customer Data > Properties

  • Status

  • Parent Property

  • Client

  • Branch

  • Access Schedule

  • Zone

  • Access Procedure

  • Account Manager

  • Authorisation Ref

  • Review Date

  • Add comment (to timeline)

  • Add Tags

  • Remove Tags

  • Advanced > Copy Billing Contracts from Property


  • Customer Data > Assets

  • Status

  • Label

  • Is Active (Yes/No)

  • Standard

  • Type

  • Make

  • Model

  • Variant

  • Size

  • Contractor

  • Base Date

  • Installation Date

  • Add Comment (to timeline)

  • Add Tags

  • Remove Tags

  • Change Property


  • Tasks > Programme Maintenance > Generate Routine Tasks

  • Customer data > Routine Servicing

  • Bulk Process Options
    (Generate Routine Tasks)

Routine Services

Apply changes to routines on properties

  • Customer data > Routines > Routine Services

  • Bulk Process Options
    (Add missing Default Levels)

  • Annual Test Date

  • Start Date

  • End Date

  • Servicegroup

  • Contractor

Routine Service Levels

Apply changes to the service levels of routines on properties

  • Customer data > Routines > Routine Service Levels

  • Estimated Duration

  • Service Group

  • Contractor

Keys and Equipment

  • Tools > Keys and Equipment

  • Loan to
    (when selected, brings up list of technicians)

  • Return

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