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Raising credit notes
Maddison Taubert avatar
Written by Maddison Taubert
Updated over 2 months ago

Credit notes can be raised against individual invoices & pushed into your accounting partner from Uptick, just like invoices. This allows Uptick to track and accurately report on the revenue of a task.


  • Our most used integrations, Xero, Sage & Myob Business are the only integrations we support credits for.

  • We also do not support people with no or offline integrations.

  • We are yet to support credits for purchase order bills.

  • Uptick will not see any credits raised in your accounting partner, you must instead raise the credit in Uptick and push it into your accounting partner. This means Uptick will not warn you about any overpayments kept as a credit in your accounting partner, your accounts team will need to manage this separately.

Setting up

  1. Staff who need the ability to raise credit notes against invoices must have the following permissions:

  • Can create, update and delete credit notes

  • Can view invoices and credit notes

2. Turn on the nightly sync that will keep Uptick up to date with any credit status changes in your accounting partner (i.e if they are voided/deleted).

  1. Control Panel > Accounting > edit

  2. Change Sync credit notes to On.

  3. Save

3. Important for Sage & Xero integrations. These integrations round their invoices slightly differently to Uptick resulting in occasional discrepancies between the invoice totals. This becomes more apparent when you attempt to fully credit an invoice (with discrepancies) in Uptick.

To must do the following to combat this issue arising:

  1. In your accounting partner, make sure you have an account code set up that you are happy to apply when rounding is an issue. Xero has one set up automatically, you'll need to manually add a new account code in Sage.

  2. In Uptick, go to Control Panel > Accounting > edit your integration.

  3. Set the account code you've just identified into the Rounding Account field.

  4. Save.

Once set, all future credits and invoices created that round differently in Uptick will automatically get an additional 'rounding' line item added to its invoice in Sage/Xero, solving any inconsistencies between the two platforms.

Raising a credit note

1. View an invoice which has already been "sent" to your client.

When can I raise a credit against an invoice?

  • Invoice isn't in a draft, voided or deleted status

  • Invoice has been pushed and connected to your accounting partner

  • Invoice isn't fully credited already

2. Click "Raise Credit"

2. Fill out the date, number and description of the credit note:



The date on which the credit should be financially reported on.


Unique identifier for the credit note. Leave blank to be set by your accounting partner.


Any extra information about the credit such as why it was raised.

3. Input the value of the credit - you have two options in this step:

Option 1: Add an arbitrary, lump sum amount you wish to credit:


Not required



Required by most accounting integrations.

Account Code

A chart of accounts.

Required by most accounting integrations so you will hit an error when pushing the credit into your accounting system if it requires one.

Left blank so a different account code can be set for credits.


Leave as '1'

Unit Price

The value you wish to credit, excluding tax.

Note: Your total credit amount cannot exceed the original invoiced amount.

Tax code

Tax rate being applied.

Option 2: An itemised credit specifying which products you are crediting.

  1. Use the 'Load items from invoice' button to help you populate all the items originally listed on the invoice:

2. Delete any items you aren't crediting

3. Change the qty or unit price of any items you are crediting.

4. Click 'Save and push'.

This will attempt to raise the credit in Uptick and push it into your accounting partner all in one go. If there are issues pushing and linking that credit to the accounting partner's invoice, you will see a red error message explaining why. Please resolve these issues before continuing.

Sending a credit note to your clients

Uptick can supply you with an amended invoice which you can then send externally.

Simply click the regenerate PDF icon on your original invoice in Uptick:

and download the amended invoice:

Note: If you do the above steps and don't see any credit information applied, you have a customised invoice template and need to reach out to the support team to add this functionality.

If you wish to send a PDF of the credit to your client, you'll need to go into your accounting partner and download it there.

Finding a credit note in Uptick

When viewing a task with a credited invoice, you'll see a 'CR' badge against that invoice.

The value shown against that invoice will be the tax-exclusive value of that invoice, minus any credit value i.e the revenue of that invoice:

You'll also be able to see if an invoice has a credit raised against it and the amount "owing" (tax-inclusive invoice total - credit total) when viewing the Billing tab of a property:

When viewing the invoice list, you'll be able to view and download the tax-inclusive total of all the credits applied to this invoice:

When viewing an invoice, you can see the total (tax inclusive) with the credit applied and view the details of that credit if you click on it:

You can search for a specific credit note by:

  1. Billing > Invoices

  2. Add a 'Credit Note' filter to your page

  3. Search in that filter for the credit note number you are trying to find.

Reporting on credit notes each month

You can filter for credits dated in a particular date range, as well as why those credits were raised.

  1. Billing > Invoices

  2. Add a 'Credit Date After' and 'Credit Date Before' filter to your page

  3. In those filters, find the period you wish to report on

  4. Download the Credit Note CSV. This will give you every credit not dated in that date range and why it was raised (description).

Removing a credit note

If you've made a mistake raising a credit, ask your accounts team to void/delete the credit in your accounting partner. Overnight, Uptick will see the credit is voided/deleted and VOID the credit in Uptick. If you don't want to wait for the overnight sync for Uptick's credit to be voided, click the sync button on the credit note's integration panel.

Voided credits in Uptick will be removed from any reporting in the system. When a credit is voided, an event will appear in the invoice's timeline. The voided credit can still be viewed retrospectively by clicking on the on the timeline event.

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