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How to mark up a Dynamic Form for a change request
How to mark up a Dynamic Form for a change request

This article shows users how to mark up a template or form to submit to the Uptick Professional Services Team

Teresa Bui avatar
Written by Teresa Bui
Updated over a year ago


Dynamic Forms allow the creation of custom, electronic forms that can be filled out and sent from either the app when onsite or by the office via the web.

When submitting a Dynamic Form request, a marked-up version of the form will expedite the form creation process. The marked-up form should provide:

  • the overall structure & style of the document

  • guidance on how the fields should be populated e.g. through dynamic data from fields on Uptick or free-form text.

Marked-up forms should be provided in either PDF or Word format. Using the marked-up form, the Uptick Professional Services team will provide a quote for the creation of the document before work commences. Once the quote has been approved, additional changes cannot be added to your request and we will require you to submit a new request for any further changes.

If you wish to submit a change request for a template, refer to this article.

Marking-Up a Form in Adobe PDF Reader

In order to mark up a form in Adobe PDF Reader, you can make use of the tools in the floating pane.

To add comments/notes, select the Type text tool and set the colour so that it stands out. For example, choose red for the markup so that it can be easily identified.

Work through the form and ensure you add a mark up where relevant. Items that should be marked on the form include the following:

  • Fields that should be populated using dynamic data (e.g. a field in Uptick)

  • Fields that should be set as free-form text (these can be a text, date or integer field)

  • Any images that should be included and from where they should come from

  • Any validation fields (e.g. if the answer is no, should an additional field be shown for a reason)

  • Any specific text that should be included on the form that will remain the same each time (e.g an introduction or terms and conditions)

Some examples of a marked-up form have been included below:

Once the form has been marked up, you can go to File/Menu > Save. The marked-up file should be included in the request ticket.

Marking-Up a Form in Microsoft Word

In order to mark up a form in Microsoft Word or Google Docs, you can make use of the tools on the Insert tab on the ribbon or equivalent on Google Docs.

To add comments/notes, select the Text Box tool and set the colour so that it stands out. For example, choose red for the markup so that it can be easily identified.

Work through the form ensuring to add mark up where relevant. Items that should be marked on the form should include the following:

  • Fields that should be populated using dynamic data (e.g. a field in Uptick)

  • Fields that should be set as free-form text (these can be a text, date or integer field)

  • Any images that should be included and from where they should come from

  • Any validation fields (e.g. if the answer is no, should an additional field be shown for a reason)

  • Any specific text that should be included on the form that will remain the same each time (e.g an introduction or terms and conditions)

Some examples of a marked-up form have been included below:

Once the form has been marked up, you can Save the file. The marked-up file should be included in the request ticket.

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