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Report Types

Understanding report types, how they work and how to configure them

Teresa Bui avatar
Written by Teresa Bui
Updated over a year ago

Give clients a quick snapshot of the activities performed directly from site ensuring a quick turnaround and minimise production overhead for your administrative staff. New report types can be created and customised allowing you to provide customers with the information they require.


Each report documents certain tasks your technicians have completed and the specific assets they serviced. This includes each asset's inspection status and details for better client communication and property compliance.

Create a report type

  1. Access the Reports dashboard by clicking Control Panel > Report types > Create report type


  2. Provide the Report details:


    The name of the report. This is the name that will appear in drop-down lists when selecting a report type to generate.

    Short name
    Used for back-end summary displays.

    Select the template that will be used for this report type.

    The weight will determine the list order of the report in lists and combined PDFs.

    Annual certification
    Tick this box if the report type complies with annual certification requirements for your region.

    Toggles the report type active/inactive. Reports of this type cannot be generated if inactive.

  3. Define the Report Context.



    The context is what the report is based on and will determine where the report type will be listed for selection (i.e. from a task). The available contexts to choose from are:

    • Task

    • Contract

    • Property

    • External*

    *External means the report context is defined outside of Uptick and can be used for uploading external reports. An external report can be raised from tasks or properties but will not populate an existing Uptick template. Use the attachments section of the report to upload a PDF against it.

    Main service report
    Ticking this box will make the report type the default service report that will be sent upon dispatch.

    Suggest this report (and limit items) for these routines

    Select the routine services that this report applies to (multiple routines can be selected). Already selected routines can be removed from the selection by click the X next to it.

    Note: If this is left blank, it will be applicable to ALL routine services.

  4. Set the Applicable Assets.


    All assets
    Ticking this box will make the report applicable to all assets (defining applicable Asset Types, Asset Tags and Asset Type Tags is not required if you tick this box). It's recommended to use this checkbox when you intend to exclude certain assets (explained in the next step)

    ESM items only
    Ticking this box will restrict the report to ESM items.

    Included Asset Types
    Restrict the report to the asset types selected in this field - if none are selected it will apply to all asset types.

    Included Asset Tags
    Restrict the report to the asset tags selected in this field - if none are selected it will apply to all asset tags.

    Included Asset Type tags
    Restrict the report to the asset type tags selected in this field - if none are selected it will apply to all asset type tags.

  5. Set the Excluded Assets (before setting this, ensure you have ticked All assets in the Applicable Assets section)


    ESM items excluded
    Ticking this will exclude all ESM items from the report.

    Excluded Asset types
    Select the Asset types to exclude from the report.

    Excluded Asset tags
    Select the Asset tags to exclude from the report.

    Excluded Asset type tags
    Select the Asset type tags to exclude from the report.

  6. Set the Applicable Contractors.


    All contractors
    Ticking this box will make the report applicable to all contractors (selecting Applicable contractors is not required when this is ticked)

    Applicable contractors
    Select contractors that are applicable to this report.

  7. Select the Excluded Contractors from the drop-down list (before setting this ensure you have selected All contractors in the Applicable Contractors section)

  8. Define the Report Failure Criteria.

    Any items are non compliant
    The default setting. An asset is only compliant if it is serviced and given a Pass. Therefore even assets marked as No Test are considered non-compliant.

    Any items have a critical remark

    The setting will change the failure criteria so that it will only show as non compliant if there are critical remarks.

    This is not recommended as this will also consider any remarks below critical as compliant, including non-critical defects.

    Not applicable
    This will make it so that there is no failure criteria for the compliance of the service report.
    Also not recommended as this will consider all service reports compliant.

  9. Click Save Report Type.

Changing report type settings

At any point you can change the configuration of an existing report type by taking the following steps:

  1. Click Control Panel > Report Types

  2. Next to the report type you want to make changes to, click Edit.

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