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Essential Safety Measures (ESMs)

Learn about the setup, management and reporting of ESMs

Teresa Bui avatar
Written by Teresa Bui
Updated over a year ago

Track a building's Essential Safety Measures (ESMs).


ESMs require the Essential Safety measures extension to be enabled, and other extensions associated with ESMs need this extension enabled as a requirement. See the table below for more information on ESM related extensions.

Essential Safety Measures

This extension must be enabled for the function of all other extensions defined in this table

This extension allows you to store ESMs seperate to assets on a site and allows for ESMs to pull through onto certification reports when they're serviced or audited.


Allows you to use the Signoffs tool to collect contractor maintenance statements, yearly condition reports, Form 12As, or other annual certification documentation.

Contractor Audit

Allows you to perform contractor attendance auditing for ESMs. Enables the Contractor and Service Levels tabs when viewing an asset type.

You can report on ESM's from onsite in 2 ways:

  • Using our ESM module to have isolated, ESMs in your system for auditing. This option allows you to use our signoffs module and is best suited to those auditing others servicing and not doing much of the maintenance in house or checking their own work. It also allows you to check off whole systems with the click of one button, if you aren't wanting to check every asset. This system doesn't automatically sync with your asset lists, so it can be a manual process if you already have all the information entered against the assets (if you've been servicing them), we recommend using the Assets Module in this case.

  • Using our Assets module, and consolidating that information into an asset type based report for yearly reporting, certification and ESM reports. This option allows you to audit your own servicing and maintenance in house and skips a lot of double handling, as the information is already entered into your system from your previous visits, ready to be checked. It also allows you to review each asset when auditing, especially those you may have defected the year previously. You can see the history, current remarks and photos of the defects on those assets to assist in your audit.

When enabled, you'll also have access to our ESM Audit report, where you'll be able to send out failed Essential Safety Measures to your customers in a neat report, including information and severity of defects, outstanding remarks, contractor information and required action.

In order to meet the right conditions to generate this report, update the ESM with the required remarks, making sure to pass or fail the measure when you've checked it. From there the report can be created.

Setting up ESMs

In Uptick, an ESM is configured as an asset type, with a toggle that determines that the asset type is an ESM and allows for them to be listed under the ESM tab of the property.

  1. Click Control Panel > Asset Types

    1. For a new ESM, click Create Asset Type

    2. To configure an existing asset type as an ESM, click Edit next to the asset type

  2. For the configuration of the ESM label, click Automatic Naming to expand it

  3. You can set a Label pattern based on certain data elements (ref, variant, etc.) in the label pattern field. You can reference the help text under this field for the elements you can use

  4. Tick sequential reference if you want the sequence number on the label to go up automatically when ESMs are added on the property.

  5. If you want the labelling to span multiple asset types, you can provide a Sequential group name.

  6. Click Essential Safety Measure to expand it, then tick the Essential Safety Measure box

  7. Fill out the Default Standards of Maintenance, Installation, Performance and any Excerpts as required

  8. Make sure the appropriate Applicable Routines have been associated with this ESM under the Maintenance section

  9. Click Save Asset Type


ESMs can be grouped and added to a 'preset'. When adding ESMs to properties, you can instead select a preset which bulk adds all those ESMs from that preset to the property in one go.

This is a great tool to use if you encounter many similar properties with identical sets of ESMs. For example a university, elementary school and day care are all set to the same standards and require the same ESMs. To streamline the process of creating ESMs for each classroom, create an ESM preset.

To edit/add a new preset

Click Control panel > Asset types > Configure ESM presets.


Click Create Preset


You'll be taken to a page where you can name your preset, add ESM asset types from the list on the left side by either double-clicking your selection or clicking once then pressing the Add to selected button. When you've finished, click the Save Preset button.


Load an ESM preset to a property

Go to a property and click on ESMs > Load Preset


Choose the preset you want to load against the property and click Load preset


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