IMPORTANT (Service Contracts customers only)
Automatic recalculation of Next Due dates on service contracts: Now, whenever you manually create a task or add a service contract to a task, that service contract's Next Due date will recalculate to the next date that it's due.
For example: When you are adding service contracts to a new property, the Next Due date of those contracts will be set to the 1st of the current month if they are due now. When you then manually create a task and select the service contracts you would like to add to that task, the next due dates of those contracts will recalculate once you save the task.
- Service Quotes will not be affected by this change.
- Service contracts will not recalculate if you have already recalculated out of the current month.
Previewing and generating a report: We have changed the flow around peeking, previewing and creating reports to encourage users to now preview a report before creating it, hopefully reducing the need for repeated editing/deleting of historical reports.
Test results on a task grabbing last result: When editing test results on a task, the asset's previous test result will pull across when performing each asset rather than just defaulting to No Test.
Subcontractor Dashboard: Contractors will now be able to filter for Property, task Status and Due date when viewing all their assigned tasks. Contractors will also be able to download a CSV of all their tasks.
Defect Quote loading speed has been improved, more to come..
Profitability dashboard: days/hours/minutes and currency now display nicely.
Making staff accounts inactive: When you make a staff account inactive, you will be given the option to replace that user on all default technicians on properties, as well as wherever that user is the primary technician or office assignee on active tasks.
Billing Contracts: Viewing a contract will no longer take you to the edit page, just a summary page. Billing contract lineitems will now also prefill with product description and price once a product is added.
Correspondence tags are now deletable and editable.
Filters and Column additions:
Task List:
- Billing card ref added back to billing card column
- Billing card name, client primary contact email, task performed date and task inactive date added to CSV
Property List:
- Certification date filter, certification date column and new property Occupancy permit/Maintenance determination CSV!
- BH field added to Property contacts CSV
Purchase Order List:
- Task Branch, Linked to Partner, Client and Property name filter added
Service Quote List:
- Column and CSV column added for TOTAL value (Ex GST)
Contractor List:
- Linked to Partner filter
- Mobile, Address and Email CC added to CSV
Remark List:
- Remark type ID (for updating remarks via the importer)
1. Previewing and generating and report
Currently, you are able to create reports on the property and task both of which will follow the same path as explained below. The following is the new flow when creating reports:
View 1 - Previewing the report. Previewing the report is now mandatory. Once you are happy with it and if you want to create the report yourself (not letting the dispatch doing it for you), click 'Save Report'.
View 2 - By clicking 'Save Report', you are taken to the before-save edit page.
Once clicking the final 'Save Report', you are taken straight back to the task or property, depending on where you created the report.
If for some reason you need to preview again, PDF, Print or go to the report edit page, you can do this by Viewing the report. This will consistently take you to the following view, either from the property, task OR the Report page (Tools > Reports). You will not need to Generate the PDF anymore, it will instantly download from this page.
'View Details' will take you to the old View report page where you can Regenerate PDF, Delete and Edit report details. Generally, the only reason you would need to regenerate the PDF is if there is a template change that you want to be reflected in the PDF download.