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April 2021 - Uptick iOS Field Release "Quito"
Teresa Bui avatar
Written by Teresa Bui
Updated over a week ago

We aim to release this version on Friday 30th of April. Please note that this version requires iOS 12 or newer. To check that you are using the latest version of iOS, go to Settings > General > Software.

Changes and Improvements

1. Rebrand! Uptick has been working behind to scenes to start moving our products towards the Uptick rebrand we did a few months ago. The mobile IOS app will be the first to receive this rebrand. Now I know what you are thinking, and DON'T PANIC, the changes we have made are fairly minimal:

  • All buttons which were blue are now orange, same goes for our login screens.

  • We have updated a fair few of the icons, however, nothing has been moved around or changed location in the app.

  • Lastly, but most importantly, the actual Uptick app icon on your device has changed. Even though the app won't have moved on your technician's devices, you might still have some confused technicians in the morning.


2. Uptick digital floorplans can now be used for repairs and other reactive work - just tap on PLANS on the Products tab. Note that the floorplan will only show work items that have assets attached.

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