Welcome to the August release of our Workforce app!
Users will automatically receive this update over a seven day period, starting on Tuesday the 6th of September.
Changes and Improvements
This release brings a number of enhancements and incremental improvements to both the iOS and Android versions of the Workforce app, helping make your day more productive.
New Onboarding Experience
Over the past year we've been reviewing your feature requests, spending time on site with some of you, and listening to feedback with the simple goal of making our mobile app experience even better: more streamlined -- especially around the core workflows -- more intuitive, and more effective at communicating the information you need, to help you get the most out of each day.
As you can imagine, this kind of work involves a significant amount of engineering and testing effort and we will be gradually introducing the new design over the coming months.
This release marks the first step in this journey with a redesigned onboarding journey.
For new customers, to make the onboarding process easier, the app will guide you through the process and advise on the best sign-in method for your organisation (if your organisation has multiple sign-in methods). Simply tap Get started and follow the prompts when signing in for the first time.
Sneak peek of what's to come!
We can't wait to show off our new designs, so here is a sneak peek of two redesigned screens that will arrive later this year. You’ll notice that the redesign introduces a modern and sleek, but familiar, interface. We're taking the best parts from the Android and iOS versions of Workforce that you've told us you love and consolidating them into a single design. Moving forward, the Android and iOS versions will look and behave the same way.
Watch this space in the months to come!
Minor enhancements
Property contact roles are now configurable from the desktop control panel.
UK customers will no longer see data that's not applicable to the UK.
Android Only Changes
Biometric login
Note: This change does not impact users who sign in via SSO.
Sign into the app much faster than with the username/password method! This feature will be available to you provided your device has a biometric/fingerprint scanner. When signing in successfully for the first time you will be asked if you want to enable the biometric login.
Enable will turn on biometrics and prompt for the fingerprint scan on subsequent logins.
Not now will dismiss the prompt, though it will display again the next time you sign in.
Don't Ask Me Again will dismiss the prompt permanently and will not appear again until you manually sign out of the app (About tab > scroll to the bottom > Sign out)
Ability to add new Floorplans from Camera or Gallery
If users have the appropriate permissions, they can now set up a new floorplan directly from the field. Simply tap the + icon when viewing floorplans and select between Camera or Pick Image. After an image has been added, you are able to place and service assets from the field!
iOS Only Changes
A new permission has been added to control whether technicians can create repair tasks from existing tasks in order to complete any approved works (Tasks > Can create follow-on repair tasks).
The mobile app is designed and developed with you in mind. If there is anything that either the iOS or Android versions lack, something that doesn’t work as you expect, or something that would make your day easier, please let us know! The feedback we receive from you is what drives all the changes we make.
Sending feedback is easy - in the app, go to the “About” tab and tap on our support email address or our phone number to get in touch.