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November 2020 - Website Release
Teresa Bui avatar
Written by Teresa Bui
Updated over a week ago

Release Date: 19th November

Featured Improvements

  • Individual Product Estimated Time has been added to the Defect Quoting process in order to not only understand a quote's labour estimates, but to also improve profitability calculations on approved repair tasks.

Changes and Improvements

  • Slight changes to the sidebar menu to make it easier to find what you're looking for with clear icons. Insights and Reporting was also moved out of the Tools menu to make it easier to access.

  • Uptick profitability improved. Service Quotes now pull budgeted costs into their Tasks to allow users to see profits more easily in this flow. Budgeted value splitting from Defect Quotes with multiple repair Tasks is now more accurate.

  • Further improvements to speed and usability have been made to the Defect Quote table. Due to this, the table will become scrollable after more than 40 products have been added to the quote.

  • Jobs can now be linked to existing Tasks by searching for the Job when editing a Task.

  • For customers using Fixed Billing Contracts (Routines only), when creating billing Tasks, the bulk edit function will now create the Invoice as well as Task in order to help companies determine monthly invoiced amounts before sending those Invoices. These contracts will also stay in a 'processing' state until Uptick has finished processing them to stop duplicate sending. Finally, the Invoice Date of those Fixed contracts will now set as the month in which the contract is due, not in which it was created - this will add more accuracy to monthly invoiced amounts.

  • For customers using Do and Charge Billing Contracts (Routines only), contract pricing will now be stored on the Task. This will improve profitability tracking and stop Invoices picking up non-billable or unperformed Assets.

  • Uptick is currently working toward simplifying permissions as well as making sure all areas of Uptick are covered correctly by the right permissions. Due to this, even though we are careful, users could experience some permission changes in this next release. Managers should be aware of any permissions that might need to be given to users - the names of these permissions should be very straight forward. Permission changes have been made around Appointments, Billing, Accreditations and adding/editing user and contractor Accounts.

bSecure changes

  • All Property bSecure documents can now be found and uploaded via the bSecure tab of a Property. Not only does this help us with a bigger pictured goal and cleans out the Documents tab of a Property, it also means that uploaded documents will instantly appear on the public portal.


1. Estimated Time added to quote process

Individual Product Estimated Time has been added to the Defect Quoting process in order to not only understand a quote's labour estimates, but to also improve profitability calculations on approved repair Tasks. When Products are added to Defect Quotes, their Estimated Time also now pulls onto the quote, this value is editable on the quote. This time is then totalled at the bottom of the quote which is then pulled into any approved repair Tasks that are created.

How does this help you?

  • For those that add labour into your Product cost and sell, this process will help pull this figure out of your head and onto your quotes and repair Tasks in order to add transparency and more accurate profitability calculations in Uptick when comparing actuals against estimates and understanding if you are under quoting.

  • For those of you that don't, this will also create a tool for you to automate and easily understand how much labour you should be including in your quote.

  • Read more about bettering your profitability calculations in Uptick here.

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