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Contractor portal (guide for contractors)

Article for contractors on how to use the contractor portal

Teresa Bui avatar
Written by Teresa Bui
Updated over a week ago

How to use

All contractors will receive an email as soon as they are assigned a task. The email will contain a link to their portal and some information about the task/s assigned - more or less information can be added depending on how you customise your email.

Step 1: Once logged in, you will see your dashboard filled with tasks that have been assigned to you by this client. You can use the filters and columns to find the tasks you are looking for.

You have 2 options when opening each individual task, either as a Tech or as Desk.

When viewing a task in the upper left corner is a brief summary of task details, including the property address, due and scheduled dates, purchase order raised for subcontracted work and access details.


Desk View:

This view is used by people that want to process the whole task, start to finish. This view is often used by office staff on a computer so they can cleanly perform the task and upload all the required invoices and documents without moving away from the page.

Step 1: Mark this task as Accepted or Rejected (optional step).

If you are accepting the task, you have two things you can fill out:

1. You can add a date in which you are aiming to perform this task so your client is kept aware

2. You can assign your technicians to this task. Read Contractors Assigning their own Technicians below for more.


Step 2: If you plan to do the works on this task and hence have not assigned a technician to this task, then your next step is to start the works - click into every service task if there are any here to complete and add compliance results and defects, photos (remarks only) and the like as required.

Any documents provided by your client will live in the Documents provided by client section.

If you would like to Chat with your client, use the Messages section to do so. This will send an email to them. If they send a message back you will see it here and also receive an email.

Step 3: Once the work has been done, click the Complete Task button to finalise the task. This button will open an area that allows you to upload documents for your reports, invoices or quotes, add or edit the actual date you were onsite and mark the task as completed for your client to start processing.


Each task will finish in a PERFORMED status and will be ready for your client's review.

NOTE: Contractors will still be able to view these tasks and the documents attached to these tasks after the task is archived in your system. This will allow them to keep track of the work they have done if they need to reference later.

Contractors assigning their own technicians

Contractors can assign their own technicians to tasks which will help them manage their workload. Their technicians don't need logins, they instead get special emails that mean they don't need a password or login, just access to that email.

To assign a technician, contractors can either go into the Desk view of each task, click Accept and add or pick the technician they want to assign, or they can use the bulk edit on the task list to bulk assign the work to technicians. Missing accreditation requirements will be flagged next to the technician's name to assist the contractor in assigning the right technician. This bulk assignment will send the tech one email explaining that they have tasks assigned to them and to click the link to access them. This bulk edit also allows contractors to bulk assign a Scheduled Date to the tasks to let you know when they plan to go to site.


This will help contractors who get assigned hundreds of tasks a month.

This process is where the Tech view of the task comes into play. The Technician View can be used by anyone, however, it's the only view that your assigned technicians can use as it's more restrictive in what can be seen and updated on the task.

Once assigned, your technicians would have received an email with a special link that, when clicked, will automatically log them in (they don't need your login details) which will only show them tasks that they are assigned to.

You are able to keep track of which tasks are assigned to which technician and what stage of the process they are in, by going to your dashboard and making sure the Technician and Status column is exposed - the status will change as your technicians perform their work.


Technician View

Step 1: All the information for this task is available on this view, documents uploaded by your client can be found in Documents and all chats can be had in Chat Messages.

Technicians start by clicking I'm on Site - this will change the status to In Progress.

If a task is In Progress, a Revisit Required option is available to them and will change the task into a REVISIT status.


Step 2: Do the work - click into every service task if there are any here to complete and add compliance results and defects, photos and the like where required.

Step 3: Once all service tasks have been performed, click I've performed this work. This will allow them to add any notes, and electronically sign the task. There is an optional section to get the client's signature also. Once this button is clicked, the task status will change to 'Performed (Need docs)' which will tell you, as office staff, that the final documents need to be uploaded so the task can be completed and ready for your client's processing.

Setting contractor account preferences

Contractors can set their own signatures and contact phone number from the contractor portal by taking the following steps:

  1. Click the user icon in the upper right corner.

  2. Click Change preferences.

  3. For contact phone numbers, enter a number in the Mobile field.

  4. For signatures, click Change signature, then write it using a mouse, touchpad or stylus, then click Save.
    ​Note: Contractor signatures DO NOT automatically go onto the service report. The contractor needs to sign the report explicitly, as prompted by our contractor portal.

  5. Click Save to commit the updates to your account preferences.

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