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Creating and uploading files and folders
Creating and uploading files and folders
Aleks Petrovic avatar
Written by Aleks Petrovic
Updated over a week ago

Folders allow you to upload files and documents against properties and tasks. You can also delete, rename and move documents in existing folders. To manage these simply click on the Documents tab of the property or task.

Creating folders

Under the Documents tab of the task of property, click Add folder. The name will be automatically highlighted so you can start typing to write the folder name (make sure to press the Enter/Return key to commit the folder name or it will cancel the folder creation). When any existing folder is selected the Add subfolder button will be available to create subfolders in the current selection.

Making documents visible on the Customer Portal

If you name a folder public (all lower case) any documents added to that folder can be seen by Clients on the Customer Portal when they view their properties


To upload a file, go to a Property or a Task then click the Documents tab. There is a rectangular region with the message Simply drag and drop your file here, or select files. Dragging a file into this region will upload the file, or alternatively click select files to browse for the files you wish to upload (in both cases multiple files can be dragged in or selected at once). To upload directly into a folder, drag directly over the folder.

Note: While multiple files can be uploaded, be aware of the following limitations:

  • The maximum size of a single file cannot exceed 500MB.

  • You cannot drag across a whole folder, however, you can select/drag all the folder contents to upload. Alternatively, you can zip/compress the folder and upload as a single file.



Click on the document and click rename. Make sure not to remove the ending, for example .gif or .pdf at the end. This will corrupt your file. Once you're happy with the new name, click enter and this will save your file with the new name.



Select the file you're wanting to delete, and click "delete" in the top right of the window.


Moving a document into a folder, downloading, deleting and renaming in a gif below:


Did you know: If you put a document into a folder called "public" on the documents tab of a property, client or client group, the items within that folder will be visible for your client, via the client portal? Pretty awesome right? Just make sure it is exactly that, public, no caps or spaces. To see the setup and how your clients can access shared documents, check out our article on how to share property documents with a client.

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