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View and Edit Asset Types
Teresa Bui avatar
Written by Teresa Bui
Updated over a week ago

Uptick simplifies the way you manage your customers assets by classifying them to certain asset types. An asset type is a grouping of assets that share a servicing standing (eg. Fire extinguisher, Fire hydrant, etc.). By doing so, you can manage your assets per asset type allowing for better asset management and organisation.

Step 1: To view all asset types, click the cog (Control Panel) in the bottom left corner and select Asset Types under the General Section


Here you will see a list of all asset types that could be found within any property and the total assets in each one.


Step 2: Select an asset type from the list and click View or Edit, depending on what you are trying to do.

a) Click View


Key details include:

  • Remark types: A configurable list of all possible defects and common remarks that a technician could encounter whilst servicing a particular type of asset (eg. Access is obstructed).

  • Contractors: A list of all the contractors that are associated with servicing a type of asset along with the number of assets allocated to them.

  • Variants: Manage and add variants of the asset type.

  • Maintenance: View a matrix of the inspection setup for the asset type.

  • Custom attributes: View a summary of custom fields set against the asset type.

  • Prompts: View and manage prompt questions relating to this asset type.

  • Service Levels: Create and manage service levels that apply to this asset type only.

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