This is a detailed breakdown of the profitability window that is found on the main tab of a task. This article will help you understand what each section means and where the data it's using is coming from. The task profitability window consists of 3 parts:
A progress indicator at the top which hows how many out of the total to-do items have been completed, visualised by a progress bar underneath.
Profitability breakdown in the middle, split into 3 sections:
Estimated, Expected and Actual subtotals
Timestamps at the bottom which displays recorded time and date for when:
Someone was on-site.
The task was performed, completed, invoiced and archived.
Each section of the profitability breakdown displays estimated, expected and actual values. See the table below to get an understanding of where the information for these is coming from.
Estimated | Expected | Actual |
Profitability breakdown explained
The table below outlines where the information for each profitability section is sourced.
Costs | Labour | Totals |
This task's costs broken down into the following product types:
| Based on timesheet sessions.
For accurate metrics, session types that are On-site or Travel must be one or the other, and cannot be both.
On-site Sessions configured to be Taskable and On-site
Travel Time spent in a Travelling session
Other Any other sessions Taskable sessions not considered On-Site or Travelling |
On site | Timestamp defined by the task being placed into the In Progress status. This can be manually updated. |
Performed | Timestamp defined by the task being placed into a status that is part of the performed stage. Can also be manually updated and a link to the Assurance Report dashboard will become available once a performed status has been set against the task. This will allow you to see a detailed report of when each asset was serviced and well as location and session information regarding this task. |
Completed | Timestamp defined by the task being marked as Complete. |
Invoiced | Timestamp defined by when the invoice was raised. |
Profitability of Parent/Child Tasks
Each Child task will have it's own profitability table and the Parent task will consolidate all profitability across the child tasks associated with it. This is indicated on the Parent task's profitability by an icon of a person in the totals section. Hovering your mouse over it for a few seconds will inform you that it includes the profitability of the number of child tasks it has.