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November 2018 - Uptick Field Release "Pyeongchang": New Logbooks, Purchase Orders and Product tab search bar
November 2018 - Uptick Field Release "Pyeongchang": New Logbooks, Purchase Orders and Product tab search bar
Teresa Bui avatar
Written by Teresa Bui
Updated over a week ago


  • Logbooks have been overhauled with a new look and new functionality that allows you to view and edit individual logbook entries as well as edit the properties of a logbook.

  • Purchase Orders have been updated to allow you to submit POs for approval, or revert a PO from pending back to draft.​

  • Product tab search has been added to the products tab to allow you to search the items in the product tab by name or asset barcode.



The logbook screens have been completely revamped! The logbook list still shows all active logbooks, but you can now see how many entries each logbook has.

When viewing a logbook, you now have the option to edit the logbook details, add a new logbook entry or add images to an existing logbook entry.

Click into a logbook entry and you will be able you to view and edit entry Notes as well as being able to view and add to files/notes.

Purchase Orders

The Purchase Orders section also has a number of changes in this release. These changes include:

  • Being able to set a total only.

  • Allowing the field user to submit a PO for approval.

  • Allowing the field user to revert a PO that is pending approval back to draft.

In the screenshot below, you will notice a new “Set Total” button. When this is tapped, the field user will be asked to enter the total. A new line item is created with this total that uses the text in the “Description” field to create the line item description.

After all line items have been added, the field user now has the option to submit the purchase order for approval by pressing the 'Save' button. This will put the PO in a Pending state.

When a PO is in the “Pending” state, a new icon is shown beside the “Pending” text that allows the field user to revert the PO back to the draft state.

Product Work Search

For users who have long product lists, a new search bar has been added.

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