We offer the Branches extension to facilitate companies with multiple business units (multiple offices or businesses). Once installed, by allocating your properties and assigning staff to branches, most pages in Uptick automatically filter the appropriate data accordingly.
This article covers how to set up and assign your Branches. You learn more about the best way to use them in our article explaining best practices for using Branches.
How to define branches
To make a new branch, you need to go to the top bar navigation Tools > Site Configuration > Branches and click Create branch.
This will take you to a page to define your branch's name. You can then go into the individual staff and allocate them to a branch.
Users and groups can have access to multiple branches, however a property belongs to only one branch.
How to link users to branches
It is also possible to bulk add users to branches via that accounts list.
In the side bar navigation, go to People > Users and select the users you want to modify the branches for. Click the Edit X Users button and select the branch you want to add or remove in the Add to Branches/Remove from Branches drop downs, then click Apply Changes.
How to link a property to a branch
Note: When the Branches extension is enabled, the Branch is a mandatory field that must have a Branch selected and cannot be left blank when creating/updating a property.
In the side bar navigation, go to Properties > Properties and check the properties you want to update the branch on. Click Edit X Properties and select the new branch from the Branch dropdown. Click Apply Changes.
The following lists will be automatically filtered by the user's (and their groups') assigned branches:
Service Contracts
For example, on the property list:
This filter can be removed manually by clicking on the:
symbol next to the filter.
Note: These filters will not be seen or applied for Clients and Technicians
Task visibility in the field
When the permissions for field staff has the following configuration:
Can see all tasks is unticked
Can see my branches tasks is ticked
This will cause the following to happen:
Users will only see tasks for their branches (as well as any task that doesn't have a branch).
Users will only see properties for their branches when creating a callout task.