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Uptick API - Overview and patch notes
Uptick API - Overview and patch notes
JD avatar
Written by JD
Updated over a week ago

Welcome to the Uptick API!


Our versioning is implemented across the board, rather than on a per-endpoint basis. Access is via <customer><version>/<endpoint>/.


The versioning scheme is as follows (note that this is NOT semver):

  • MAJOR: Corresponds to spec being implemented.

  • MINOR: Corresponds to a backwards-incompatible change that's been made.

  • PATCH: Corresponds to minor, backwards-compatible, tweaks.

We currently offer one MAJOR version, v2, which implements REST, extended with the JsonAPI spec.

When the MINOR version is not specified (eg. /api/v2/<endpoint>/), the latest MINOR version will be defaulted to for the given MAJOR version. Similarly, when the PATCH version is not specificed, the latest PATCH for the given MINOR.MAJOR combination is used.

Deprecation Cycle

There is no explicit lifetime for each MINOR version, but roughly ~3 minor versions should be expected to coexist simultaneously, so when you see a new one introduced, expect the oldest one to be on its way out.

You can review version info at /api/version/ You'll see the keys latest, deprecated, imminent_removal and removed there, which should let you know well ahead of time whether you need to start updating.


Our endpoints are self-descriptive; they are their own documentation. If you view our API from your browser, you'll see it render in a human-readable way.

Navigate to /api/v2.8/ to see a list of endpoints. Follow any of these to see available fields. Every endpoint also offers an OPTIONS method, which lists additional metadata for each field.

Getting Connected

A guide on how to get connected is available here.

Postman collections

Sample files and steps for setting up a Postman collection are available here.


Here are a few tips to ensure you get the best out of our API:

  • Always specify the MINOR version in your calls, to avoid surprises when things change. eg. /api/v2.x/<endpoint>/. We also send out email updates when adding/removing MINOR versions. Please get in contact with us if you would like to be included on this mailing list.

  • Prefetch data. You can use ?include=<fieldname of relationship> to pull through related table data. Can even dig through multiple levels, eg. /api/v2.x/tasks/?include=property.tags

  • Take advantage of sparsefields. By default, endpoints return all available fields. You can use the ?fields[<ResourceType>] query to request only the specific fields you need. eg. /api/v2.x/properties/?fields[Property]=name,ref,created. These work on included data as well. eg. /api/v2.x/properties/?include=client&fields[Property]=ref&fields[Client]=name

  • Paginate. Two pagination modes are available:

    • limit-offset (default): eg. ?page[limit]=50&page[offset]=100.

    • cursor: eg ?page[cursor]&page[size]=50 (you'll need to separately include ?page[count] if you want it returned). Use this mode if performing data syncs.

  • Filter results. Most fields can be filtered on. There's also a special updatedsince filter, which you should be using when you're fetching lists of data for syncing purposes. eg. /api/v2.x/tasksessions/?updatedsince=2019-10-28T19:53:25.906000Z.

  • Minimise the number of API calls you make. With the above points, you should be able to efficiently collect exactly the data you need with minimal calls to the API. Everybody wins.

Patch notes

v2.13 (Added Oct, 2024)

  • api/v2.x/jobs/ has been renamed to api/v2.x/projects, across all api versions. This change is not going through a deprecation cycle, as it was not used by any customers.

  • product, description and unit_price have been removed from lineitems in the api/v2.x/purchaseorders/create_docket endpoint.

  • purchaseorderlineitem_id is now required on each lineitem for the api/v2.x/purchaseorders/create_docket endpoint.

  • purchaseorderlineitem_id is now required on each lineitem for the api/v2.x/purchaseorders/create_bill endpoint.

  • For the InvoiceLineItem, CreditNoteLineItem, PurchaseOrderLineItem and PurchaseOrderBillLineItem resources:

    • Renamed tax_rate to taxcode and made it required. The old name will remain available until support for v2.12 is dropped.

    • Added new taxrate field, for tracking the tax rate as a decimal. Will be inferred from taxcode if not supplied.

  • For the DefectQuoteLineItem resource:

    • Added new required taxcode field.

    • Added new taxrate field, for tracking the tax rate as a decimal. Will be inferred from taxcode if not supplied.

  • Renamed the DefectQuote.gst field to tax. The old name will remain accessible until support for v2.12 is dropped.

v2.12 (Added Feb, 2024)

  • Added cursor-based pagination, which can be used as a performant alternative to limit-offset pagination when needing to iterate through a full table of records. Enable by including ?page[cursor]&page[size]=X in your query. Retrieve a count of objects by including ?page[count] in your query. Page count is disabled by default.

  • Removed RemarkType.standard field. This was an underused freetext field, that was preventing us from introducing a RemarkType.standard ForeignKey in future. The key will remain in the response until v2.11 is dropped, however it will only return emptystring.

  • The ?active filter under the /api/v2.x/remarks/ endpoint is now considered deprecated. Use ?is_active instead. The former will be removed once v2.11 is dropped.

  • Removed Client.primary_contact field, flattened ContactDetails fields onto Client model itself.

  • Removed ContactDetails resource. The /api/v2.x/contactdetails/ endpoint will be removed once v2.11 is dropped.

  • Renamed to PropertyContact.is_active. The old name will remain accessible until support for v2.11 is dropped.

  • Renamed the filter to is_active. The old filter will remain accessible until support for v2.11 is dropped.

v2.11 (Added Jul 20, 2023)

  • RemarkType, Remark and RemarkEvent resources have moved namespace from inspections to remarks. This affects scoping on associated contenttypes, as well as the reinstate_remarks permission. The old inspections scope will continue being returned for versions prior to 2.11.

  • Removed automatic lineitem generation when creating a new PurchaseOrderBill resource using the /api/v2.x/purchaseorderbills/ endpoint.

  • Added the following read-only fields to the TaskSession resource: submitted_at, submitted_by, approved_by, approved_at. The previous is_approved and submitted fields are now deprecated but will continue to work until removed when v2.10 is dropped.

  • Added a readonly status field to the TaskSession resource, which will be either DRAFT, SUBMITTED, APPROVED or TRASHED.

  • Renamed /api/v2.x/default-technicians/ to /api/v2.x/defaulttechnicians/. Both endpoints will remain accessible via both old and new API versions until support for v2.10 is dropped.

  • Removed the /api/v2.x/payroll/ export in favour of /api/v2.x/tasksessions/ as this endpoint provides the same functionality.

v2.10 (Added Nov 17, 2022)

  • Appointments endpoint, api/v2.x/appointments/, now returns cancelled appointments too.

  • Extra Fields with a widget type of date are now required to be in ISO format (yyyy-MM-dd). For versions prior to 2.10 dd/MM/yyyy formatted extra date fields will be converted to yyyy-MM-dd on POST/PATCH and will be reconverted to dd/MM/yyyy on GET.

v2.9 (Removed Dec 21, 2023)

  • ServiceTasks created via the api/v2.x/servicetasks/ endpoint are now expected to have routineserviceleveltype provided for service work. For versions prior to 2.9, this field will now automatically be populated using info from ServiceTask.routine if left blank.

  • Replaced the remark field on the PromptAnswer resource with an M2M, remarks.

  • Added endpoint /api/v2.x/promptsets/ for new PromptSet resource.

  • Added endpoint /api/v2.x/promptquestionrules/ for new PromptQuestionRule resource.

  • Removed assettype field from PromptQuestion resource. You can now look it up via promptset.assettypes.

  • Removed routineservicetype field from PromptQuestion resource. You can now look it up via promptset.routineservicetypes.

  • Renamed PromptQuestion.routineserviceleveltypes to PromptQuestion.limit_to_routineserviceleveltypes to better communicate what the field is capturing.

  • Updated the set of Asset icon names. You can view the new names by performing an OPTIONS call against /api/v2.x/assettypes/ (note that making this call against older API versions will _NOT_ return the original icon names).

  • Document download URLs are no longer directly available. The /api/v2.x/{app}/documents/{id}/documents url field has changed and now points to /api/v2.x/documents/{uuid}/download. Following this url will redirect to an AWS Signed URL with a 60 second expiry.

v2.8 (Removed Dec 21, 2023)

  • Expanded PromptQuestion.type choices from 'A', 'R', 'T', 'I', 'D' to 'ASSERTION', 'REMARK', 'TEXT', 'INTEGER, 'DECIMAL', respectively.

  • Renamed label to help_text and heading to label on PromptQuestion resource.

  • Abstracted a portion of the path prefix out from the document upload interface. The interface w.r.t retrieving data (using /v2/uploads/ endpoint) otherwise remains unchanged. Please ensure that you're using root as the base path for rendering folders, and not the prefix from the upload config.

v2.7 (Removed Dec 21, 2023)

  • Removed the access_policecheckreq and access_childrencheckreq fields on the Property resource. This functionality is now accessible through the new Accreditations module; specifically the AccreditationRequirement resource at /api/v2.x/accreditationrequirements/.

  • Expensive relations (M2Ms & Reverse ForeignKeys) are no longer returned by default when hitting a naked endpoint. They must be requested explicitly with the fields[] query parameter.

  • Renamed Contact to PropertyContact and flattened the ContactDetails resource located under onto the PropertyContact resource itself.

  • Introduced a new csv download mechanism, which is much more performant, faster, and puts less strain on your server. To use it, instead of tacking .csv onto the end of your api call, append generate_csv/ instead. For example: This will return a 'PENDING' status when first hit. Refresh the page after a short wait to receive your csv download link. The existing .csv approach is no longer available, across all API versions.

v2.6 (Removed Dec 21, 2023)

  • Added a building_classes choice field to the Property resource. This replaces the building_class and building_type fields, which will be remain accessible until v2.5 is dropped.

  • Added bsecure_resolved_guid (actual guid) and bsecure_latest_sticker_guid (guid of most recently attached sticker; gets mapped to actual guid) fields to the Property and Asset resources, to be used in place of bsecure_guid and bsecure_real_guid fields. If you've been using these old fields, you'll want to apply the following mapping. For the Property resource bsecure_guid is the same as bsecure_resolved_guid; for the Asset resource, bsecure_guid is the same as bsecure_latest_sticker_guid and bsecure_real_guid is the same as bsecure_resolved_guid. The old fields will remain accessible via both old and new API versions until support for v2.5 is dropped.

  • Removed property relationship from ServiceTask resource. No longer accessible via previous API versions either, as it was never used.

  • /api/v2.x/pushnotificationtokens/register/ now requires platform to be provided. Must be one of APNS|GCM.

  • A quantity of 0 passed to the /api/v2.x/servicetasks/ endpoint will now remain as 0, rather than getting automatically converted to 1.

  • Renamed /api/v2.x/form-responses/ to /api/v2.x/dynamicformresponses/. Both endpoints will remain accessible via both old and new API versions until support for v2.5 is dropped.

  • Renamed /api/v2.x/dynamicform_templates/ to /api/v2.x/dynamicformtemplates/. Both endpoints will remain accessible via both old and new API versions until support for v2.5 is dropped.

v2.5 (Removed Dec 21, 2023)

  • Asset.floorplan_locations has now become Asset.floorplan_location, as the relationship is now one-to-one. Both usages will remain accessible until support for v2.4 is dropped.

v2.4 (Removed Dec 21, 2023)

  • The following resources have been renamed:

    • InspectionItem -> Asset

    • InspectionItemType -> AssetType

    • InspectionItemTag -> AssetTag

    • InspectionItemTypeTag -> AssetTypeTag

    • InspectionItemTypeVariant -> AssetTypeVariant

  • Renamed all occurences of fields named inspectionitem and inspection_item with asset. This change spans multiple endpoints, and affects the following resources: Asset, AssetType, AssetTag, AssetTypeTag, AssetTypeVariant, PlanLocation, Remark, SuggestedProduct, DefectQuoteLineItem, SignoffItem, ServiceTask, AssetPreset, RemarkType, RoutineServiceType, ServiceRecord, Rectification.

  • Changed Task.status from a CharField to a ForeignKey relationship on resource TaskStatus. What was previously stored in Task.status can now be found under Affects all endpoints that reference the Task resource.

  • Added endpoint /api/v2.x/taskstatuses/, for viewing TaskStatus resources.

  • All datetimes are now returned in the timezone of the user performing the request. For example, 2020-01-20T00:32:06.912780Z, for a user with a Melbourne timezone, will now return as 2020-01-20T11:32:06.912780+11:00. Clients must ensure they understand the +XX:XX timezone offset suffix, rather than just the Z UTC suffix, or always assuming UTC.

v2.3 (Removed Oct 21, 2021)

  • Renamed a number of endpoints. Both endpoint names will remain accessible via both old and new API versions until support for v2.2 is dropped.

    • /api/v2.x/property-tags/ -> /api/v2.x/propertytags/.

    • /api/v2.x/timeline-events/ -> /api/v2.x/timelineevents/.

    • /api/v2.x/extra-fields/ -> /api/v2.x/extrafields/.

    • /api/v2.x/display-conditions/ -> /api/v2.x/displayconditions/.

    • /api/v2.x/dispatch/ -> /api/v2.x/dispatches/.

  • Added endpoint /api/v2.x/assettags/, for parity with the same endpoint in the v1 api.

  • Filter content_type_id on /api/v2.x/timelineevents/ has been renamed to content_type. Both filter names will remain usable until support for v2.2 is dropped.

  • Removed is_performed bool field from ServiceTask resource. Use performed_date datetime field instead.

  • Removed is_quotable bool field from ServiceTask resource. Concept of "Quotable" ServiceTasks has been replaced with a new "SuggestedProducts" resource.

  • Added /api/v2.x/suggestedproducts/ endpoint, for interfacing with SuggestedProducts.

  • Tasks with new status type CANCELLED are now visible through the /api/v2.x/tasks/ endpoint.

v2.2 (Removed Mar 18, 2021)

  • Renamed /api/v2.x/task-sessions/ to /api/v2.x/tasksessions/. Both endpoints will remain accessible via both old and new API versions until support for v2.1 is dropped.

  • Changed TaskSession.type from a CharField to a ForeignKey on model TaskSessionType. What was previously stored in TaskSession.type can now be found under TaskSessionType.key. This affects both the TaskSession endpoints /api/v2.x/task-sessions/ and /api/v2.x/tasksessions/, as well as the /api/v2.x/payroll/endpoint.

  • Added new endpoint /api/v2.x/tasksessiontypes/, for accessing and manipulating TaskSessionTypes.

v2.1 (Removed Jun 18, 2020)

  • Renamed Remark.failure to Remark.type. Notes:

    • This is only a field name change. The resource behind the ForeignKey was already called RemarkType and remains this way.

    • This change affects not only the remarks endpoint, but all other endpoints that were pulling remarks through via the include query param.

  • Renamed /api/v2/remark-types/ endpoint to /api/v2/remarktypes/. Both endpoints will remain accessible via both old and new API versions until support for v2.0 is dropped.

v2.0 (Removed Feb 6, 2020)

  • Initial release

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