Bulk Archiving tasks
Teresa Bui avatar
Written by Teresa Bui
Updated over a week ago

At the end/beginning of each month it is recommended that you archive all COMPLETED tasks, to improve the ease with which you can find relevant tasks.

Note: Only active (non-archived) tasks will appear on the iPad. So this is an important process to ensure that the iPad only contains relevant tasks for the technicians.

Step 1: Enter the tasks list by clicking on Servicing from the navigational menu at the top and from the down list select Tasks.


Step 2: Select tasks Ready to be archived by clicking on Lists and then Ready to be archived


Step 3: Select the tasks to archive by clicking the checkbox in the top left corner.


Note: If there is more than 1 page of tasks to update then you will be also presented with an option to Select all X items

Step 4: Click the Edit X Tasks button

Step 5: On the edit tasks screen, select the Active field and choose Mark as inactive.


Step 6: Click Apply Changes

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